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Thread: One Long Ass Cycle ;-)
11-03-2003, 12:21 AM #1
One Long Ass Cycle ;-)
Hey guys what's goin on? well quick advise please help. Currently i am was running a cycle that consisted of weeks 1-10 400mg boldenona, weeks 1-10 400mg test prop a week. Now i was reading in a post that it's better if one runs a multiple cycle or something like a long cycle for a period of 1 or 3 years. That would help you keep growing and help you keep most of what you gain instead of taking one short cycle and then waiting for another cycle. Now i was searching this post for hours but i just couldn't damn find it. All i know is that this guy said that people he knew taking deca for that lond of making a long cycle they kept most of all there cycle. The guy said he ran like 3 cycle's back to back and the results was really good. Now if anyone know's what i'm talking about please help me with my idea of doing this. I was planning on bridging 10mg dbol AM when i come off my cycle with the clomid. And my next cycle was going to be deca regardless because now i'm all for mass. not that much bloat though. SO.... I was planning this...l weeks 1-15 400mg Deca, weeks 1-5 500mg test prop, or run test from week 5-10. now i know a long acting ester of test would be really good but the thing with test like cyp is I get really big... and loos about 80 persent of it... Sus, i get good gaines, but break out like never before... Now test prop i hardly ever break out... at all. max 4 zits on my back.... What do you guys say? I need a long cycle how can i do this? Should i do like 10 weeks of deca 400mg and then 10 weeks of it with 200mg a weeks and then 10 weeks more of 400mg?.. how can this be possible to make a long cycle or multiple short cycles lasting about 1 whole year... thanks
11-03-2003, 05:46 PM #2
11-03-2003, 06:03 PM #3
This post is a little confusing. What is it exactly that you are asking?
11-03-2003, 06:06 PM #4
Ever heard of spacing paragraphs?
11-03-2003, 06:22 PM #5
I read this twice and couldn't quite get what you're trying to ask.
11-03-2003, 06:23 PM #6
lol ok sorry...
I'm finishing a cycle that was 400mg boldenona a week, 400mg test prop a week. That's it. now when i finish i'm starting the clomid with the dbol bridge...
here's my question.
I want to do multiple short cycle lasting long maybe a year or 2. I hear it's better to do a lot of short cycles almost back to back. You will keep most gaines than to do one and wait.
So basically i wanted to know if anyone know's what i'm talking about to help me out one a long cycle or how to do about 3-4 cycle back to back that consist of good keepable gains.
11-03-2003, 06:24 PM #7
What is your cycle experience? Year round is only used by advanced steroid users.
11-03-2003, 06:27 PM #8
Much better.
A lot of short cycles back to back is the same thing as doing one long cycle. For example, if you do four 10 week cycles, back to back, it is the same to your body as if you did one 40 week cycle, maybe changing compounds during the 40 weeks. Sure you'll keep more gains, but the recovery when you come off will be much harder.
11-03-2003, 06:29 PM #9
cycle experience well I've done i believe 5 cycle. 3 were planned good and 2 were just a fuck it i'll use that i have. Out of all cycle's I have done once a week shots, and got the point of ED shots (test prop). Also went from only glute shots, to delts, calf, glute, thigh, bice, trice (side and back heads). My training is way better, keeping it at 5 days a week workout, one body part per day, except on bice and trice days. Done sus, deca , test cyp, prop, eq. SUS=really bad break out for me, CYP=HUGE GAINS not of which keepable to me, Prop=really good gains no acne, Deca=Good gains all keepable... even though that was my first cycle ever all i did was deca at 250mg per week, then boosted it up to 500mg for like 3 weeks and done.
11-03-2003, 06:32 PM #10
thanks moto that's what i'm talking about one long cycle... i do not plan on running huge gaining AAS. As from my past experience i kind of know what reacts good to my body and what def doesnt. That's why my main to compounds that gave me gaines with little if any sides and keepable gaines so far is deca and test prop. So i want to base it on something like that. NOt high mg. I do'nt want to do something like 800mg test a week or 1000mg of deca but one long great planned out cycle. And i'm looking for ideas from you guys to help me with that long cylce. to plan it out as you said moto.
11-03-2003, 07:34 PM #11
sheesh.. dont know what u can get, and dont realy know what you are looking for. just typing an example to see what ppl think of it..
Week 1-4 Dbol .. 25-50mg ED
Week 1-24 Test Cyp 400mg/week
Week 1-12 Deca 400mg/week
Week 12-24 EQ 400mg/week
Week 24-40 Test Prop 50-100mg/ED
Week 24-34 Fina 100mg/ED
Week 34-40 Winny 50mg/ED
Week 10-11, 20-21, 30-31, 40-41 5000I.U every 10 Week.. shot it as 500I.U ED
PCT nolvadex 40mg of nolva in 5 weeks
PCT 300mg day 1, 200mg 6 days, 150mg one week 100mg one week 50mg 2 weeks
(typed an big pct, better to go the safe way when you want to recover) (my opinion)
using test as base the whole cycle, then just swapping compounds.
dont do this cycle, just see what the bros say about it. probably shit from some of them
11-03-2003, 07:51 PM #12
I have done a long ass cycle of enathate and still have my nuts.LOL I think what you are asking is, is it acceptable to take a long cycle and will it make you keep your gains? To me long cycle's just simply, require a good PCT in the end.
Whatcha gonna do brother.....
11-03-2003, 08:36 PM #13
holly breetai, reading your options all my injected areas felt a sting... That's a shit load of shots... especially test prop from weeks 24-40... wow... yeah i can see it's just to see what people think. How about running back to back cycles. will i still have to do the time on = time off?... i was planning something like this.
weeks 1-15 400mg Deca
weeks 1--5 500mg test prop
weeks 10-15 50mg Winstrol ED
weeks 10-15 500mg test prop
Start Clomid
What would happend if i did this back to back... like take clomid and wait only 5 weeks, and go at it a gain. Meaning doing this cycle and when done with the clomid stopping for 5 weeks and then doing this same cycle and then clomid, waiting 5 weeks and doing it again. Back to back. will anything bad happend? If i did this 3 times back to back. maybe in the last cycle adding primo to it.
11-03-2003, 08:46 PM #14
Originally Posted by Billmister
Originally Posted by Billmister
11-03-2003, 09:14 PM #15
Originally Posted by Breetai
11-06-2003, 07:01 PM #16
so.... what do you guys think... is this good with 3 weeks off time after the clomid?.. i'm planning on doing this back to back with only 3 weeks rest after clomid or should i do 4 weeks rest?
weeks 1-15 400mg Deca
weeks 1--5 500mg test prop
weeks 10-15 50mg Winstrol ED
weeks 10-15 500mg test prop
Start Clomid
11-06-2003, 07:08 PM #17
I do 4 months on, 4-6 months off...
11-06-2003, 07:12 PM #18
If you're only going to take 3 weeks off in between, you might as well not stop at all. Very little recovery will occur, only to be shut down again, wasting your clomid. And why are you stopping the prop from weeks 6-10? If you don't want to shoot alot, use a longer ester.
Essentially you want to run something like this, if you stay with the prop...
1-30 400mg deca
1-33 500mg prop
winny in there somewhere
and clomid post cycle, starting in week 34 or after last winny dose.
Is this what you had in mind?
11-06-2003, 07:17 PM #19
about the time being to short to recover and wasting the clomid your right. But i can't freaken remember the post i read but this guy said doing multiple cycles back to back will help you keep your gains more. if i did say 30 weeks of deca and 30 weeks of test and winstrol inthere somewhere... i know when i'm done i will crash BIG TIME... because i've been on for way to long... That's why i wanted to do a back to back cycle... maybe a 10 weeks cycle with a bridge for 5 weeks and then come back with another cycle and do that for 3 cycles and in the END do the clomid. any ideas?
11-06-2003, 07:28 PM #20
I think you may want to look into bridging. That sounds like a better idea than my 30 weeks test/deca cycle idea. I've seen some articles/posts about "cruising" with a low dose of test between cycles. It doesn't allow recovery, but does allow a transition into another cycle. A d-bol bridge might also be of benefit to you, but I'm not the one to explain how that would work exactly.
11-06-2003, 07:31 PM #21
yeah moto that low dose of test between cycle seems good. Hey i am planning on doing a long cycle of deca or back to back cycle of it... If a long cycle of deca with low dosage of test in between the cycles would be great. Can you PM me info on what you have of something like that. ANd about the dbol bridge i know that. And that is what i'm planning to do now that i'm almost done with this cycle
11-06-2003, 09:40 PM #22
I'll look around and see if I can remember where I read about the low-dose test bridge.
11-06-2003, 10:24 PM #23
Originally Posted by Billmister
11-06-2003, 11:04 PM #24
A year long cycle, imo how do u expect to get your balls back up and running after they have been not uses for that long. Then again flex wheeler has been doing a straight cycle for 17+ years and look how well that worked for him. If you have someone in line to give you spare kidneys and livers than go for it.
11-06-2003, 11:17 PM #25
Originally Posted by LightWeightBaby
I know, I know...J/K
11-06-2003, 11:17 PM #26
wait wait... guys i didn't mean long year long... I understand that was a stupid idea... as i said i was not sure of the guy who did something similar... What i can remember is this guy did BACK TO BACK cycles and gained a lot and kept a whole lot without clomid, the only time he used clomid was in the end of his last cycle. I've been on this cycle long enough to understand somethings and you guys are right.... it just annoyes me that i can't seem to find out who said it.
11-06-2003, 11:58 PM #27
Originally Posted by Billmister
Brother that IS One Long Cycle.....IF you're not taking anything for PCT, then you are on one long cycle, unless you're taking breaks without any form of PCT, and that is just stupid, you might as well stay on like moto was sayin'.
Now, I know a few guys that are doing "back to back" as you say, in the sense of doing 6-8 weeks of a strongly Androgenic cycle, then to 6-8 weeks of a Mostly Anabolic cycle, and back again several times, but on is on no matter how you look at it, everything shuts you down sooner or later.
Switching gear around in an atempt to keep your receptors "Guessing" is one thing, but you're Still on.
I say plan well, and stay on, or do something more traditional with PROPER PCT.
My .02
Good Luck Bro!
11-07-2003, 12:48 AM #28
ok that back to back as you were talking about, can you help me plan out a cycle like that? i know that back to back means really on all the time... so how can i go about that?
11-07-2003, 03:46 AM #29
Originally Posted by Billmister
There is a sample of this "Style" of cycle on the "Cycles and Stacking" page of This Website, #'s 3 & 5 and maybe one more, that talk about targeting different receptors.
However I don't like how #5 drops all test in the final stage of the cycle, (I Never like doing that) but by looking at it you can still get the idea. I've been reading up on these "Search for Synergy" type cycles, where guys can just keep rotating and goin'...... I like the theory, and I like the idea! LOL
You can play with the doses, but I was thinking something like:
Weeks 1-6: Prop
Weeks 1-4 Anadrol
Weeks 1-12 Deca /Primo
Weeks 7-12: Cyp
Weeks 7-10: D-Bols
Weeks 13-25: Enanthate
Weeks 13-25: Tren
Weeks 22-26: Winny/Masteron
PCT (or start over I guess!) LOL
Most won't agree, but I would do HCG 500-1000 IU ED in weeks 6 and 12.(and 27 for that matter)
I don't know, you may like not this way, some don't, but I can tell you, I've done similar cycles like this in years past completely on accident, just because that's what was availible, and had serious gains late into it without a fade.
I've talked to a couple of guys that switch off winning every local contest around here (they going for their Pro Card now in fact) and one of them told me that if you can get the synergy thing down to a science, "it's like an 1100 GIXER with a 10 speed gear box!" It just keeps goin'. I'm becoming a believer...I can't remember the last time he was off, seriously.
I'm sure other guys will have other ideas, so wait around and see what some of the other guys here think.
Good Luck Bro!
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