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Thread: nearing end of cycle... need an adjustment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    nearing end of cycle... need an adjustment

    i started out
    400 mg wk enant - wks 1 - 5
    25 mg ED dbol - wks 1-5
    I changed to
    600 mg wk enan for wks 6-10....
    75mg of tren EOD wks 6-10

    the issue is that i'll need another bottle of test or do i? I have a bottle of EQ... how should i throw that in if im strapped for cash? feel free to get creative.... this is the start of wk 6... i know i have enough test to get me to wk 8 at 600mg a wk.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    If you only have enough test to run to week 8 then I would end the cycle there............ at 75mg the fina should have been ran ED and for 8 weeks. Save the EQ for another cycle it will take too long to build blood levels to see any results from it

    You could run the fina past the Enan 2 weeks but it could hamper recovery...... but at your doses I think you will be fine.

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