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  1. #1
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
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    gyno from puberty??

    On of my friends has a really bad case of gyno, or least thats what it looks like. and he got it when he was going through puberty. a few years ago he went to the doctor and he said it was normal, and it will go away. well it hasnt and he is 21 soon to be 22. so is there anything that he can do to deal with this? BTW its an area about 1/2 of an inch all the way around his nipple. you can see it through his shirts. any help would be greatly appreciated. ohh and i searched but didnt really find anything.

  2. #2
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    i don't think it just "goes away". he can get it surgically removed. my friend had to have some fatty tissue removed from his nipples as well.

  3. #3
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
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    so surgery is the only way to get rid of it?

  4. #4
    Grant's Avatar
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    i had some for a month and got rid of it with arimidex , i am not suggesting he takes it, but it worked for me. I can remember getting slight gyno from puberty but it did go away on its own.

  5. #5
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
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    so your saying theres a chance?

  6. #6
    Grant's Avatar
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    i would say there's a chance, he has had it for awhile which makes me think there's only a chance, worth trying i guess because surgery is expensive if it is not covered

  7. #7
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
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    could something else work instead of arimidex ? do you think it would be safe to use if your just taking that? and how much do you think should be taken?

  8. #8
    longhornDr's Avatar
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    What's his bodyfat %? If he is under 10% and still has it then it is not likely it will go away on its own...otherwise it will most likely go away when he cuts down his bodyfat.

  9. #9
    Grant's Avatar
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    oh man, i don't want to give doses, i have no idea whats safe or not, i don't know what else might work if he already has it

  10. #10
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    doc? can you help. tell him to try diet and cardio first before going to arimidex .

    Whatcha gonna do brother......

  11. #11
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
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    man he ran his ass off this summer, maybe under 10 percent? if not a little lower. he was really lean to say the least, and it didnt go away.

    doc you out there?

  12. #12
    Grant's Avatar
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    i think its kind of past the diet and exercise phase

  13. #13
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
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    thats what im saying..... this is why i posted the question..... thanks guys for all the help thus far!

  14. #14
    Nixter's Avatar
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    Fucking doctors! Mine told me the same shit as your friend's doc. Didn't go away. I read recently that as many as 30-40% of teenage boys will develop some form of gyno. It will NOT dissapear for 40% of the affected kids.

    I really pisses me that doctors don't give you all the facts sometimes. When a doctor tells you that it will go away, you tend to believe them. If they had said, "there's a chance it might not go away", that would be just fine, now let's look at other options if it doesn't clear up by the time you are 20 or so.

    Such a fun time in highschool when you're playing pickup ball and you get stuck on the "skins" team and you have to makeup a reason why forgot you can't play today.

    I will say that nolva has done a decent job of reducing it.


  15. #15
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
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    thanks for the info nixter.
    bump for the doc

  16. #16
    tryingtogain is offline Member
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    yes you can get gyno surgury removal. i had slight gyno when i was in purpurty but it went away. but the surgury is cosmetic thus you will pay it out of your pocket i think. i feel sorry for him. goodluck

  17. #17
    ddoublevision's Avatar
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    I went to see a doc when I was about 19 for a bump under my left nip. He told me it happens alot during puberty and it will go away. So here I am 24 and it is still there ( I seriously used to think it was breast cancer). When my nips get hard you can't really see it but its a different story when they are not. It seriously is embarresing(sp) and I dont have the insurance to pay for it. I have even thought about getting my nip pierced to help hide it but thats pretty gay IMO but I am running out of options. My BF fluctuates but for the most part is fairly lean to average. Yeah I admit it is pretty freaking stupid to have to pinch and rub my nip to be able to take my shirt off. Do any of you bros have any advice???

  18. #18
    50%Natural's Avatar
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    No dd but I am in the same boat as you. WTF? I have suffered through this for a long time and it is quite embarassing. People don't pay attention to it toomuch but it embarasses me to the point where it just drives me nuts.

  19. #19
    ddoublevision's Avatar
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    I hear ya.....I am f**king tired of ignoring it but operation is out of the question right now.....I am sure there are probably others in the same boat, so bros does anyone know of a way to fix this somehow?...Doc?

  20. #20
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
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    yeah, my friend wont go swimming with us if there are a lot of people around. it really drives him nuts. thanks for the input guys

  21. #21
    Shrimp is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
    yeah, my friend wont go swimming with us if there are a lot of people around. it really drives him nuts. thanks for the input guys

    i have gyno from pueberty go to and everyone on that website have it... i plan on soon having surgery

  22. #22
    Matrix78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddoublevision
    I went to see a doc when I was about 19 for a bump under my left nip. He told me it happens alot during puberty and it will go away. So here I am 24 and it is still there ( I seriously used to think it was breast cancer). When my nips get hard you can't really see it but its a different story when they are not. It seriously is embarresing(sp) and I dont have the insurance to pay for it. I have even thought about getting my nip pierced to help hide it but thats pretty gay IMO but I am running out of options. My BF fluctuates but for the most part is fairly lean to average. Yeah I admit it is pretty freaking stupid to have to pinch and rub my nip to be able to take my shirt off. Do any of you bros have any advice???

    same thing here i'm 25 and i've had a lump under my left nip for at least the past 8 or so years, and like you i thought it could be a form of breast cancer, so i had it checked a few years ago maybe when i was like 20 or 21 and the doc told me it was just a fatty deposit and it would go away on its own... well like i said i'm 25 now its still there, it's almost the size of a large marble and hurts if i get hit in that area. I'm at about 10% bf i dont think its going away anytime soon... do ya'll think it too is a case of gyno form puberty??? i'm also doing my first ever cycle is there a chance that by haveing it already i could have a more likely chance of the juice progressing it more???


  23. #23
    Dude-Man's Avatar
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    If you can convince your doctor that you think it's a tumor, you can get a lumpectomy. just say it's getting larger.

  24. #24
    fiz is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
    On of my friends has a really bad case of gyno, or least thats what it looks like. and he got it when he was going through puberty. a few years ago he went to the doctor and he said it was normal, and it will go away. well it hasnt and he is 21 soon to be 22. so is there anything that he can do to deal with this? BTW its an area about 1/2 of an inch all the way around his nipple. you can see it through his shirts. any help would be greatly appreciated. ohh and i searched but didnt really find anything.
    I had the same thing. If it doesn't go away in 2-3 years from puberty, it isn't going anywhere. It's fibrous tissue, and cannot just dissapear.

    I had the surgery, and I'm very happy that I did.. you cannot tell i ever had it, some times i forget about it even. and it used to be constantly on my mind.. I hated summer, etc because I didn't want anyone to notice my puffy nips. tell him to get about 3 grand, get a good doc, and get the surgery. it takes about 1 hour, and heals very quickly. it will be the best decision he's ever made.

  25. #25
    CarbonCopy's Avatar
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    I can remember when I was about 12-13 years old my chest was really sore and hurt so damn bad if anything brushed my chest. Well that lasted a few months and went away. However, now that I am in my 20's I still have fat deposits on my chest. Here is the thing, I don't think it is gyno because I don't feel any lumps, but I do have fat there. Is that a form of gyno? Or just body fat? BTW my body fat isn't under 10% so I am thinking it is fat. It sure does suck!!!!


  26. #26
    Shrimp is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CarbonCopy
    I can remember when I was about 12-13 years old my chest was really sore and hurt so damn bad if anything brushed my chest. Well that lasted a few months and went away. However, now that I am in my 20's I still have fat deposits on my chest. Here is the thing, I don't think it is gyno because I don't feel any lumps, but I do have fat there. Is that a form of gyno? Or just body fat? BTW my body fat isn't under 10% so I am thinking it is fat. It sure does suck!!!!


    what i have is fat thats under my nipple like my chest area, my nipples are perfectly fine there is just fat under them go to that site i told you about earlier. i do not have puffy nipples either they are normal

  27. #27
    fiz is offline New Member
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    use yohimburn df for the fat.. but fibrous tissue and you're screwed.

  28. #28
    mike99 is offline New Member
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    rid gyno

    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    i don't think it just "goes away". he can get it surgically removed. my friend had to have some fatty tissue removed from his nipples as well.

    i am 17 turning 18 and one of those unfortinate soles with gyno from puberty. so i ended up taking a mild cycle of pro-aas, and the nips dramatically went down. i have always been kinda soft but this made me hard and big.

  29. #29
    heavydchamp is offline Junior Member
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    i'm 16 going on 17, i have a BAD case of gyno from puberty, insuracne is covering surgery in a few months, but i think its only because im so young.

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