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Thread: Guys need help with delt inject.

  1. #1

    Guys need help with delt inject.

    Trying to rotate my injections, for the first time did a delt inject with a 23g 1 inch. I dont know if i went deep enough or did not hit the muscle, or pulled out too fast or too slow. Some of the liquid came out when i pulled out after injection. Can you guys help me out. What did i do wrong????


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Thats common bro, happens all the time, if possible have an injection swab handy as you withdraw so you can apply pressure straight away.

  3. #3
    Thanks, big Al do you think 21/2 was too much to throw in one area since a good amount of liquid came like 1/4 of a cc. Thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I put 3cc's in my delts all the time...never lost a drop. Like you I also use a 23g 1" pin. Try depressing the plunger veeerrryy slowly and as Al said, have a swab to apply immediately after. Massage site and you should be good to go. Good luck bro.

  5. #5
    2 1/2 may be a little much for delts.....i usually go 2cc max for ancilliary muscles (delt,calf) and 3cc max for major muscles (quad,glutes)........if you are able, next time try leaning against a wall or something to push the muscle of the area you are injecting into a different plane....this will be similiar to the z-track method of injecting taught in most med schools.....with z-track, you take the muscle and tissue off its normal axis and inject...when you remove the needle and release the area, the muscle returns to its normal position and the injection route is sealed by your great and stops gear from leaking out........

  6. #6
    I put 3 cc's in my delts & tris and never had a problem so far. 1" is perfect for the delts, you can even use 5/8, but I'd rather put it in deeper so it's not as sore. Also try not to move the pin around too much, which can be a task on it's own.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Over there.
    Good advice bro's.

    The only thing I have to add is to leave the pin in penetration for about 15-20 secs after you have pushed all the gear in to the muscle. This seems to lessen the amount of oil that is rejected when you remove the pin.

    Have that swab/cotton ball handy and make sure and massage the site (lightly) before taping the swab/ball to your skin.

  8. #8
    Thanks for all the feedback guys. I think i moved it around some thats the reason so much liquid came out. Never tried the Z method i might give that a try. Thanks

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