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Thread: accutane...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    bay area


    I'm about to get some of this tomorrow.. What are you guys' experience with this? How long did accutane take to give you results?

    Does your acne get worse before it gets better? How did you deal with your lips/face drying out, how bad was it?

    And also, did you experience any depression?

    thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Run a search here... LOADS OF THREADS on it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    bay area
    just searched.. i just hope mine doesnt get worse first.. whats the best lip product to unchap them?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    dude did the doc prescribe that to you or are you just buying it in the black market... Let me tell you that would be the last resourt if all fails. That's toxic to the liver, and makes you pritty chapped all over. I do'nt know the dosage people when i asked everyone did different dosages. Search on it all in the internet not only this board. Good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Lovin Alba's butt
    is this for acne? is that the same stuff im thinking of? i took it when it was new to the market, and i got really really depressed. im still not all back toghether and it has been 3 or 4 years. i didnt see the depression till i was off of it. or are am i talking about the same stuff?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Same stuff Mr. Sparkle. I took it when it was fairly new and it worked great. In a month or two the acne was gone completely, and mine was pretty bad. I only recently heard about depression being a major side effect, so I couldn't tell you if the accutane caused any of the depression I feel from time to time (I've done a few other self meds since then). The stuff works great IMO.

    As far as chapped lips, mine have been chapped nearly nonstop since then, but my skin has returned to being oily. I usually rotate every few days between Carmex, Chap stick, and Blistex.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    hey fiz i also took accutane.i would not recommend it unless you get regular blood work, because some people have pretty bad reactions. and make sure you dont take excessive amounts of vitamin a on it, because it says on the packet not to and whenever i did my face broke out more. but this drug does wonders and it worked great for me. just make sure you always put lotion on all over you body or else you get extremely chapped and develope a rash type thing from dry skin.oh ya i also found that carmex and blistex herbal answer were the best things for the chapped lips.

  8. #8
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    Oct 2003
    You have to get a doctor to give you accutane, you NEED BLOOD WORK on it, or you could fuck your liver and kindeys right up. Dont take that shit unless u have BAD acne. I went on it and it worked really good, however, i didn't finish it cause my skin was so dry it was sick. You acne gets real bad in the middle of it then it starts going away in a hurry.

  9. #9
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    bay area
    Quote Originally Posted by Troyboy
    You have to get a doctor to give you accutane, you NEED BLOOD WORK on it, or you could fuck your liver and kindeys right up. Dont take that shit unless u have BAD acne. I went on it and it worked really good, however, i didn't finish it cause my skin was so dry it was sick. You acne gets real bad in the middle of it then it starts going away in a hurry.
    I'm on minocylcin (1 step down from accutane) and it doesn't work.. My dermatologist is prescribing it to me. I've heard 5% get depressed... the biggest side is chapped lips (90%). I hope I don't get any depression, I already have a angry/depressed type trait to my personality. I'm gonna stack it with vitamin b5 which i heard works well too

  10. #10
    G-S Guest
    b5 hasn't done shit for me, acne wise.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I've had accutane when I was younger, it is serious stuff. I would not recommend it for zits on your arms and back.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Living my life to the fullest!
    I've used it before. It works very, very well, it just causes extreme lower back pain.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    do you guys think that it is safe to take this with 10 weeks of eq 200/ml

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mc02
    do you guys think that it is safe to take this with 10 weeks of eq 200/ml
    I hope that is'nt your complete cycle

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    id use it as a LAST resort, and get blood work done! that stuff can really mess you up. i took it for a long time, 10 months. i am super clear of acne to this day. but i tend to swing up and down emotionally after takin it. good luck

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Manchester UK
    Guys with this one-- its not like taking gear-- it has much more potentially dangerous side effects.

    I saw a specalist to get it subscribed to me and the first week it got really bad-- (it does get worse at first) after that i had mega dry skin and split lips and nose bleeds. You DO need blood tests on this.

    It scares me to think that somone might consider taking it on a regular basis -ie every cycle to counter the test acne.
    Please dont take this drug unless you have seriously bad acne and have tried everything else.

    For me-i find 2 trips on the tanning salon for 15 mins followed by a shower- twice a day and a bottle of water keeps my bad gear acne under control.

  17. #17
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    The Asshole Capitol
    I used it. The sides are as bad as you hear. It sucked. But it works. I would do it again, and recommend it to anyone who has bad acne. The only side that effected me permanently was some vision problems. But this was exacerbated by my job (sitting in front of a computer all day). I had terrible headaches and pain in my eyes(from internal pressure), and the strain from work made it worse. I recovered about 99% of my vision afterward though. I used to have 20/20, and now its only somewhat less sharp.

    I was on it for 6 months. I believe it got worse for about 2 or 3 months before it started to improve. Treat this drug with respect. The liver sides can be bad if you drink or eat poorly. Your doctor should moniter your liver function with monthly bloodwork.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I would look into something else. After reading all of the threads, i really haven't found any thing positive on the stuff. You might want to take that into consideration, if it gets som much bad press, find an alternative...

  19. #19
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    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by slamd097
    I would look into something else. After reading all of the threads, i really haven't found any thing positive on the stuff. You might want to take that into consideration, if it gets som much bad press, find an alternative...
    Here's one works. 100%. I have never seen or heard from anyone the accutane has not eliminated their acne. It is, however, a last resort, and only for severe cases of acne. It is not something that you want to be using to keep the tiny zits off your shoulders while on a cycle. Find something else for that stuff. If your face looks like a 3 Meat Totino's pizza (if you've ever had one of these, you know what I mean!), accutane may work for you.


  20. #20
    it works great. i have very few sides, drink on the weekends a little. My liver values are slightly elevated but the doc is not worried. do it with a doc. no pain - lifting heavy just fine. no juice here though.

  21. #21
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    I don't juice, and my back/chest is 100% clear, not a single zit. they're all on my face.. mostly my cheeks. they're not horrible, but they're pretty bad i'd say. And nothing else works. My dermatologists loves the stuff and wants me to go on it cuz it actually works.. I'm getting blood work next week, then getting my perscription. SHe said vaseline is best for lips.. and i'll take milk thistle for liver.

  22. #22
    I would recommend not taking anything for your liver unless the doc recommends it. you won't need it, i'd just stay with whatever they say since you don't use the sauce. Also, you will be clear in 2 months and loving life. enjoy. ps: any chapstick works, just keep it on hand at all times.

  23. #23
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    The Asshole Capitol
    My acne was the same way. None on the body, just on the face. I had tried every antibiotic out there, but they really only worked well for an initial period of time. Accutane worked though. And though the sides were miserable at times, I would do it again. I am now 99% clear. Even after doing a few cycles, my face is clear. I would not do it while on a cycle though.

    As for lifting heavy, I did not. One of the possible sides is a temporary weakening of your tendons and ligaments (or maybe it is reduced elasticity?). In any case, I chose to be safe and just maintain - very carefully.

    And "chapstick" will be your best friend, but not just any chapstick. Most of these products have drying agents in them, so that you keep buying it. Try one like Neutrogena, or use vaseline.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    yeah the doc said vaseline is best for lips. she said that they won't give you accutane if you play sports like football, but i told her i weight lift, and she said it should be ok but I might have joint/muscle aches.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2003
    hey guys about accutane..My mom is in the pharmacutical field, i have acne because of my last cycle an i asked her about accutane an she said do not go anywhere near that stuff..There is alot of studies coming out about how it effects your sperm and has been linked to causing birth defects. Just thought some of you guys would like to know about it.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    bay area
    it can cause bad birth defects in women..there are no studies saying anything for men yet. She should be more concerned with your steroid use than accutane lol.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    The Asshole Capitol
    Quote Originally Posted by jus02
    hey guys about accutane..My mom is in the pharmacutical field, i have acne because of my last cycle an i asked her about accutane an she said do not go anywhere near that stuff..There is alot of studies coming out about how it effects your sperm and has been linked to causing birth defects. Just thought some of you guys would like to know about it.
    I believe that only applies to pregnancies conceived during or immediately after accutane treatment. There is no evidence that supports long term or permanent damage to your reproductive system.

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