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Thread: first cycle, 18 weeks?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    bay area

    Question first cycle, 18 weeks?

    ok guys tell me what you think i've been on deca for eight weeks now and want to start sustanon for 10 weeks with another 10 weeks of deca. is this too long to be on AS my first time? Pleases help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Running deca (18 weeks) that long is going to make recovery very hard. I would have never ran deca in a first cycle.

    What does the cycle look like now?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    bay area
    ok thanks for the reply mudman. my current cycle is just deca @ 400 mg a week. i know its lame! i should've researched more b4 starting. but what if i stop the deca and run sustanon @ 500mg a week with equipose instead of the deca? would that be a good idea? and what are the possible problems of staying on roids for more than 10 weeks my first time around?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    For a first go I wouldn't go past 10 - 12 weeks............ If this was me I would end my cycle run PCT take time off and get blood levels checked and if I'm fully recovered then I would run that second cycle. JMO

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    i wouldnt go on deca for that long but since its your first cycle just keep it up until ur gains stop. i wouldnt go past week 12! if u go 18 weeks make sure u use hcg to recover, do some research on your own !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    don't do it. stop at 12 weeks and start pct. with no previous pct experience, you do not want to take a chance with possibly having a very difficult recovery. deca was hard recovering for me and others on this board. do a search and you'll see.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Honest story. My friend - who was a gear virgin did 300mg/deca/wk and 200mg/cyp/wk for 10 weeks. Then he loved it so much that he doubled it. Ran 600mg/wk and 400mg/wk respectivly. Problem was at the 17th week he tore his pec muscle on his right side where it all comes together just below his front delt and kinda ties into the bi. Now The doctor told him that he had increased his weight so dramatically that his tendons and support muscles could not handle the added stress. And when he was going for a negitive rep (375LB, and the most he can work with is around 315lb) that it just had to tear. Not saying this will happen to you. But there is something to be learned, your body regardless of the AAS can only grow at a certain rate. I believe that time on equals time off and that the 1st few cycles espically those that are mass cycles should be limited to 8-10 weeks. Any more then that puts a large amount of stress on the bodies weak points. Cutting cycles can be longer imo sooner as they usually involve more reps with less weight. But when you are going full out near max something will give. JMO.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Id stop the deca now and wait to start your pct. Then you can include the sust in your next cycle. Deca is the hardest aas to recover from so the earlier you stop, the easier your attempts will be. If you have no problem this time around, then you know you can run deca longer in the future.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    bay area
    wow very interesting guys thanks for the replys i love the amount of knowledge/expereince you guys have on this board. i'm happy to be a member.well as for what i will do, i'm not to sure at this point i've got some thinking and research to do. i'll let you know when i do make up my mind.

    Also what do you think about this: What if i get on hcg for three weeks now and continue on with my cycle. then use some more hcg the last two weeks on my cycle with an anti-estrogen of course followed by clomid two weeks after my last shot?

    although that wouldn't prevent injuries. mmmmm.?????


  10. #10
    18 weeks of deca is to much for a first cycle. End it around 10-12 start your pct and starting thinking about your next!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Im with the rest of the bro´s. End your cycle as planned and maintain your gains for atlest 10 weeks before hitting another cycle.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    For a first go I wouldn't go past 10 - 12 weeks............ If this was me I would end my cycle run PCT take time off and get blood levels checked and if I'm fully recovered then I would run that second cycle. JMO
    Good advice, do the sus for 10-12 on your second, combine them for your third


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    For a first go I wouldn't go past 10 - 12 weeks............ If this was me I would end my cycle run PCT take time off and get blood levels checked and if I'm fully recovered then I would run that second cycle. JMO
    The Man who is Muddy I agree with.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    bay area
    ok it sounds unanimous,
    thanks for the advice guys!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I pesonally thin a good amount of time for a first time cycle is 10 weeks 12 weeks max. Just to see how your body reacts to it then several cycles down the road increase your weeks. How far are you on your deca?? Deca by itself I would not run inless I had some test. I would also choose EQ of deca. You could stop the deca run 500mg/week of test enanthate and 400mg of Eq, or keep your 400mg of deca.

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