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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray

    My Next Cycle - Critique Please

    Weeks 1-6: 250 Omnandren ETD , 300 ml Deca , 50 mg Anadrol . (wk 1=1000 ml Omna's, 400 deca) (wk 6= 400 Deca & 100-150 mg Anadrol)
    Week 2-14: Fina 150 ml EOD (Week 6 & 14 = 112 ml ED)
    Week 7" HCG 1000 IU ED
    Week 8-14: 600 ml Enanthate , Primobolan 100 ml ETD, 140 mg Andriol ED
    Week 15: HCG 1000 IU ED
    Weeks 16-22:750 ml Enanthate, 400 Deca, 40 mg D-Bols
    Weeks 20-24: Winstrol 150 EOD (I only have a little)
    3 days pass
    Weeks 25: (1st day 1500 IU HCG, 300 mg Clomid) 100 mg Clomid, 40 mg Nolva, Clen . (Variable Increase)
    Weeks 26-33:50 mg Clomid, 20 mg Nolva, Clen, Priv.
    (Nolva 10-20 mg ED Throughout)

    So...whatdaya think? I would rather do Fina ED, but the pin cushion sydrome is ruthless after a while. [B]
    Last edited by TheSevnthWarrior; 11-05-2003 at 07:29 PM.

  2. #2
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jan 2003
    I'm a big fan of simplicity, and that just confused the hell out of me. Doses going up and down and back up, switching all kinds of drugs, I'm just confused...


  3. #3
    KeyMastur is offline VET
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by motoxxxguy
    I'm a big fan of simplicity, and that just confused the hell out of me. Doses going up and down and back up, switching all kinds of drugs, I'm just confused...
    ditto, and i'm a smart guy

    looks like test is ran 6 weeks, then dropped only to be picked back up again 10 weeks later.

    there's no need to wait 4 weeks after the winstrol is fnished to start up PCT. you can start earlier.

  4. #4
    redrumkev is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2002
    My Idea......

    Wk1-20 Enant 750mg/wk
    Wk1-8 Deca 400mg/wk
    Wk1-6 A-bombs 50mg/ed (work way your way up to 100 or 150mg/ed
    Wk7-14 Tren 75mg/ed or 150mg/eod
    Wk12-20 Primo 100mg ETD
    Wk 18-22 Winny 150mg/eod
    wk 20-22 Prop 100mg/ed
    Clomid and all that 1 or 2 days after last winny shot

    HCG Around wk 10 to 12.

  5. #5
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Sep 2001
    now that i understand.

  6. #6
    fullstrut is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2003
    Dont run the deca and tren together. You are asking for progesterene gyno. That shit is a bitch to control and get rid of. I agree with the others, keep it simple

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by motoxxxguy
    I'm a big fan of simplicity, and that just confused the hell out of me. Doses going up and down and back up, switching all kinds of drugs, I'm just confused...

    LOL Wheeeeew! I did have that pretty jacked up didn't I?
    I came home from work and saw your guy's posts, and I said "What" "test for a few weeks, then droppin' it only to pick it back up?" "What are you guys talkin' about?".....then I read it.....LOL, Oh well.
    I did have one or two things right.. he he.
    The switching of orals, and the 6 week semi-breaks with the HCG bridge are intentional though.
    Confused the hell out of me too at first (actually still kinda does) I got it (sort of) from a friend of mine who used to hang with and/or had dealings with Craig Titus, which is supposedly where he got it from. It's actually a LOT more confusing than that, he simpified it Considerably for me. His had many more components.
    The goal is senergy. I've never done it this way before, but after watching him do this similar thing for over 30 weeks, and watching his gains Only go up for the most part, I through my learnings out the window and said I would try this if I ever did any again. So 4 years later, I'm ready to try it.
    The original (Basically) was: 1-6, Prop, Deca , and Anadrol .
    7&8 HCG & Clen .
    9-14 Winny or Masteron , Primobolan , and Andriol .
    9-22 Fina or Parabolin
    15-16 HCG & Clen
    17-22 Primoteston, Deca, and D-Bols
    And so on, I think. (the note pad I wrote it on is old and faded, but I think that's it)
    Like I said, I had never personally seen anyone run like this, but I was freaked out by how much this sucker kept growing....seemingly No Matter how long he stayed on!
    It didn't appeal to me by nature, but I can't deny what I saw - The dude went from Big and ripped, to Super Freak. He had more gains in 7 months, than I'd ever noticed him having in the 3 years I'd known him prior to that. (OK that may be a stretch, but it was imppresive)
    I'm still up for suggestions ultimately, but I am very interested in the whole synergy idea.
    Suggest away, but hurry, I'm doin' my final Fina Filtering in a minute.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by redrumkev
    My Idea......

    Wk1-20 Enant 750mg/wk
    Wk1-8 Deca 400mg/wk
    Wk1-6 A-bombs 50mg/ed (work way your way up to 100 or 150mg/ed
    Wk7-14 Tren 75mg/ed or 150mg/eod
    Wk12-20 Primo 100mg ETD
    Wk 18-22 Winny 150mg/eod
    wk 20-22 Prop 100mg/ed
    Clomid and all that 1 or 2 days after last winny shot

    HCG Around wk 10 to 12.
    I like this....this is somewhat similar to some of my old cycles.....except I like to throw in D-Bols, and I have a VERY hard time putting the Deca away.(My Joints Suck)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    there's no need to wait 4 weeks after the winstrol is fnished to start up PCT. you can start earlier.

    Hmmmmm, OK, I have know idea what I was thinkin' when I typed that.......I changed it though.
    I'm not sure, but I'm thinkin' I need to start getting more than 3 hours sleep?

  10. #10
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    now that i understand.


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