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Thread: keeping gains

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    keeping gains

    i started taking dbol 50mgs a day ed and i always hear to take text sorry but i really dont want to i know this is stupid but its my choice is there anything else i can take to help me keep the gains i get from the dbol.

    please help me out here i appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    meant to say test sorry bout that

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    How long you running it for? I know you said you don't want to hear it but this is a bad cycle and you should have ran test.

    A lot of the gain will be water but if you do proper PCT and keep cals high you can keep some of it...... use Clomid 1 day after last d-bol run for 3 weeks at:
    Day 1 300mg
    Day 2 - 11 100mg
    Day 12 - 21 50mg

  4. #4
    so a dbol only cycle ur heading towards eh? Well, if you dont want to stack test with dbol, at least stack dbol with some form of injectable , especially Deca. That is a very good newbie stack, deca and dbol. Is this your first cycle (im assuming it is)? Because if it is..50mg is way tooo much for a 1st cycle. drop it to 30 mg ED if its first cycle. Since dbol has a low half life of only 48 hours max, as soon as you discontinue dbol with no form of injectable treatment after, you can lose a lot of gains you made while on dbol. Taking clomid PCT will help keep gains. I recommend you do more research before u start to take these powerful drugs. You shouldnt have to ask a very elementary question like this..especially since AFTER you started taking dbol..not a good move. But answer those questions I've asked you and we'll try to help u peace

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Calgary Alberta
    d-bol is a very fast acting steroid which is what makes it so popular but the rule of thumb with steroids over and over again seems to be that the faster it starts working the less gains you are able to keep. take anadrol for example. proviron and clomid to try to get your hormone levels back to normal also could try sloooowly tapering off the dose at the same time but ya next time id do test- and do a real cycle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Proviron could hamper recovery of HPTA functions...... Nolvadex can be used at 20mg ED durring the PCT process along with clomid

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    For a first cycle I would always use TEST. Hell, for any cycle, Test should always be a base!!!! Doing Deca alone, would shut him down big time!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    I had a chat with a good friend of mine today, we discussed how it is possible to get more pschologocally addicted to the drugs that blow you up quickly and have fewest keepable gains

    The problem is that once you finish your cycle, people will start telling you how much weight you have lost etc etc even if you have an excellent PCT. Then you mentally torture yourself, thinking about how much you have shrunk. The next phase may involve shorteneing your 'off' period, with a desperation to get big again quickly to stop all the negative comments.

    Basically what this has concluded for me is that when I next cycle, it will be using gear with the best possible keep gains and lowest side effects. Why go through the torture of losing most of your gains with roids that tend to have the most side effects despite optimal PCT.

    Just my thoughts!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    so what gear would u use for possible keep gains

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    test any, fina, EQ.............. there are alot

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Powerful Beast
    so a dbol only cycle ur heading towards eh? Well, if you dont want to stack test with dbol, at least stack dbol with some form of injectable , especially Deca. That is a very good newbie stack, deca and dbol. Is this your first cycle (im assuming it is)? Because if it is..50mg is way tooo much for a 1st cycle. drop it to 30 mg ED if its first cycle. Since dbol has a low half life of only 48 hours max, as soon as you discontinue dbol with no form of injectable treatment after, you can lose a lot of gains you made while on dbol. Taking clomid PCT will help keep gains. I recommend you do more research before u start to take these powerful drugs. You shouldnt have to ask a very elementary question like this..especially since AFTER you started taking dbol..not a good move. But answer those questions I've asked you and we'll try to help u peace
    WTF...terrible info again bro, you dont know anything so stop telling guys to run d-bol and deca for a 1st cycle, or any cycle!...thats worse than he d-bol only b/c he will be shut down badly...

    YOUR the one that needs to research!

    Listen to Mud about PCT

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    I would use the roids that have lower strength and weight gains i.e. anavar, masteron, primo, deca as opposed to the 'blow up' gear such as a-bombs and dbol, cyp etc. This is just me though and I know how many people love those drugs, just my preferred choices

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Not to be a dissenting opinion...
    But it wasn't until recently that I began reading this board again and learning from the people here, so I didn't have this info and none of my friends have the knowledge offered here. Many of my friends juice, mainly for baseball performance purposes...

    My first cycle was a 5cc Sust 20cc Deca cycle..
    1-5 250mgs Sust
    1-9 pyramid 1cc-3cc Deca
    No PCT.
    No clomid, Bromo, or Nolv. No problems with being shut-down at the end of my cycle, no deca-dick, no acne, no temper problems (I always had one), and great gains which I kept most of. Maybe I was lucky, maybe I wasn't. I have two friends, both on my team, who were on the same cycle. They had similar results.

    I know the thoughts and theories here are well founded, probably more educated in a medical and aplicable sense, and sometimes conservative, so I will just say that this cycle netted me about 18 pounds of muscle. Still maintain about 5% BF.
    Maybe I'll get flamed for this...but I think readers here should be exposed to more than one community theory.

    As for Biff's D-bol only cycle...add some test.
    Why are you opposed to it?
    D-bol isn't going to net you the gains you want. So you will be doing another cycle.
    Bigun I love that theory. It's the damn truth.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom
    I only hope I havent upset any dbol, a-bomb etc users as that wasnt my intention. These are the very popular drugs. I have just seen it first hand the weight fluctuations and the problem that is causes, physically and mentally. However, each to their own!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigun
    I would use the roids that have lower strength and weight gains i.e. anavar, masteron, primo, deca as opposed to the 'blow up' gear such as a-bombs and dbol, cyp etc. This is just me though and I know how many people love those drugs, just my preferred choices
    I always read that a combination of testosterone and a non-testosterone like nor-testosterone and/or trenbolone is the best way to make keepable gains. For stand alone, supposedly nor-testosterone has the most keepable gains. The best way to think about it is what does the steroid arimatase to, you want something that can arimatase to estrogen and another that arimatases to progesterone. Not that you want the arimatase activity but the mixture tends to build in the keepable gains.

    I hate to say it but anadrols and d-bols have a reputation for blowing you up and there is nothing you can do to keep the weight from melting off just as rapidly as gained when you quit. These steroids are all synthetic and not really that close to a real natural hormone so they dont give you all that much of keepability, in otherwords your body doesnt make anything naturally that is all that close to drols or dbols, also testosterone and nor-testosterones from injectable steroids arent that close either to these oral synthetic drugs. This is why someone all full of injectable steroids will loose 10 lbs quickly when dropping their dbol or drols that they've stacked or bridged on top of other injectables. If you keep your steroids close to something your body can make naturally after PCT, then your natural hormones will maintain the gains. With dbols and drols, there are no natural hormones that can maintain the synthetic drug gains.
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 11-05-2003 at 05:02 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    That's interesting. I need to read more about nor-tests.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by byu
    That's interesting. I need to read more about nor-tests.
    Essentially deca, and some other non-testosterones are nor-testosterone. EQ, Fina and others with almost no arimatase activity at all including 1-test are the bolones... these are the three main hormones that all steroids are trying to mimick. Its widely believed that trenbolones have minimal medical use for humans so we see these more for animals and no real prescription alternatives for humans except for 1-testosterone which is an over the counter human steroid.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    ive taking a cycle of winstrol and i started a deca cycle but my gear was stolen then i took a cycle of sustanon that im pretty sure was fake cuz i got nothing out if it and i busted my ass i had a friend use the same sustanon and he got no results either and i know what im doin isnt the smartest thing but i just really wish i could take this dbol without stacking it and somehow many time a majority of the weight and strength i gain

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    sorry about this as well you guys are gonna think im an idiot if you dont already but when i put in the thread i meant to say 25mgs

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Calgary Alberta


    Quote Originally Posted by biff
    sorry about this as well you guys are gonna think im an idiot if you dont already but when i put in the thread i meant to say 25mgs
    well you want to keep gains but you dont want to stack it with something keepable. sounds to me like your just afraid of needles. dont worry im not laughing i was just like you but im almost embarrased to say that after the first one they were almost becoming fun. weve told you what you need to do

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    im not scared of needles at all if i were id admit it

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    so lads whatsn your 5 fav roids for keeping gains..
    also if u take insulin will u keep the gains

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    d-bol= no good IMO

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I agree Pure Power...lots of strength and H2o retention...not much in the way of keepable gains. Ntpadude sounds knowledgable in that Dbol is too far from natural test in chemical composition...although I don't know.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I totally disagree that dbol is no good. I fuckin love dbol. Especially pink thais. How can you not love getting a huge increase in strength every time you enter the gym and gaining nearly a pound a day? That has been my experience with it anyhow. The benefits far outweigh any sides (nothing permanent btw) IMO.

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