so a dbol only cycle ur heading towards eh? Well, if you dont want to stack test with dbol, at least stack dbol with some form of injectable , especially Deca. That is a very good newbie stack, deca and dbol. Is this your first cycle (im assuming it is)? Because if it is..50mg is way tooo much for a 1st cycle. drop it to 30 mg ED if its first cycle. Since dbol has a low half life of only 48 hours max, as soon as you discontinue dbol with no form of injectable treatment after, you can lose a lot of gains you made while on dbol. Taking clomid PCT will help keep gains. I recommend you do more research before u start to take these powerful drugs. You shouldnt have to ask a very elementary question like this..especially since AFTER you started taking dbol..not a good move. But answer those questions I've asked you and we'll try to help u