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  1. #1
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Two quick questions...

    Sorry, it's probably been asked before, but can you drink Winny?

    No, just kidding, but seriously, okay, so I just shot 1cc of Nile Sustanon into my left bicep, using a 23G needle, and it's really hurting now. Is this normal? I have never shot oil into my biceps before, only Winny, and that was with a 25G. I always shoot the quads, and it never hurts THIS much. For some reason, I wanted to experiment, and decided to try the bicep. The pain is weird, it's a dull ache, but, it almost feels like it's about to cramp up, but doesn't, but that cramp pain is still there.

    Okay, second question, I do aspirate and all that, and I do tap the needle to make sure all the air is out. HOWEVER, what about all the tiny bits of air that does get into the blood? What happens to it all? I mean, assume out of a whole 10 week cycle, you manage to get an overall quantity of say 0.5 to 1cc of air into your blood. Does all this add up?!? Or does your blood somehow get rid of the air over time?!?

    Last edited by Terinox; 11-06-2003 at 12:35 AM.

  2. #2
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terinox
    Sorry, it's probably been asked before, but can you drink Winny?

    No, just kidding, but seriously, okay, so I just shot 1cc of Nile Sustanon into my left bicep, using a 23G needle, and it's really hurting now. Is this normal? I have never shot oil into my biceps before, only Winny, and that was with a 25G. I always shoot the quads, and it never hurts THIS much. For some reason, I wanted to experiment, and decided to try the bicep. The main is weird, it's a dull ache, but, it almost feels like it's about to cramp up, but doesn't, but that cramp pain is still there.

    Okay, second question, I do aspirate and all that, and I do tap the needle to make sure all the air is out. HOWEVER, what about all the tiny bits of air that does get into the blood? What happens to it all? I mean, assume out of a whole 10 week cycle, you manage to get an overall quantity of say 0.5 to 1cc of air into your blood. Does all this add up?!? Or does your blood somehow get rid of the air over time?!?

    23 guage pretty good size for a bi..tearing that facia for the first time will make it sore for a bit, also it's sus so that will add to it. I shoot loads of air into my glutes, never really thought about but would assume your body gets rid of it over time

  3. #3
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    I've done four bicep shots, all in my last fina/prop cycle over the summer, and all of them hurt very badly. I thought it may get better with time, but each shot, about every two weeks, hurt just as much as the first. It actually got to where I couldn't extend my arms fully. I would have thought it was infected if not for the fact that I was shooting it everywhere else everyday. That was more than you needed, I know, but that's my experience with bicep shots. I may do it again, but it'll be a while.

    Scond question...that little bit of air won't hurt anything. When you aspirate , you get a tiny buble of air from inside the muscle. How, I don't know, but it's already there so alittle more won't hurt. I sometimes intentionally inject a little air at the end of and injection to push th rest of the gear out of the pin. No harm done.


  4. #4
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oh, and a 23g is kinda large. I use 25g, and might even try a slin pin next time in the bicep.


  5. #5
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    I say fuck experimenting. Keep doing what works. You can inject in the quads forever. Such a big area.
    Maybe the oil needs to massuaged into the tissue a little more. The dull pain might be the oil just settling in one place for too long.
    Then again, muscles dont like having inch long needles puncturing inside them.

  6. #6
    cb25's Avatar
    cb25 is offline Banned
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    Yea, first time is going to hurt - just like calves...i could barely walk the first day after shooting my gets better after a couple injects, IMO.

    A small amount of air is of no harm. Your body will get rid of it no problem - the problem that people talk about is when you inject a large bolus of air into a blood vessel...that's when you can have problems - you have nothing to worry about

  7. #7
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Thanks for the feedback guys, makes be feel better

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