Running tren and prop, will ad winny 25mg 2x/ed (depot ran orally 8-12 hours apart, .5cc each time) or 37.5mg 2x/ed (depot ran orally 8-12 hours part, /75cc each time).
Now I have like 6 bottles of winny 50, supply is never a problem. I want to run the winny starting in a week. Problem is looking at the calender, I will be leaving for spring break march 5th or so. I want to run winny now and then again before I leave. Should I run it for 4 weeks at 75mg/ed or 6 weeks at 50mg/ed. I was wondering if I would get the same result based on the same amount 2000mg, or is time needed for it to work better. Also is 75mg going to make a difference or 50mg that is worth the extra stress on liver and all that. I mean is it about 40-50% more or more like 15-20% more in which case I would say it is not work it.
Summmary of questions.
Short and hard (75mg/ed for 4 weeks) or longer and normal (50mg/ed for 6 weeks)?
Is 75mg/ed giving 40-50% increase over the 50mg/ed (it is 50% more mg's) but more is not always more sometimes it is less as sides increase?