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  1. #1
    animal013's Avatar
    animal013 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2002

    Puffy nip late in cycle...

    I'm in week 9 of the following:

    dbol 1 - 4
    test en 1 - 11
    eq 1 - 10
    winny 9 - 12

    I've been running .4mg l-dex/day and have had no signs of gyno thus far. But I started winny this week, and I did a spot injection in my left pec yesterday. In addition to being sore as shit (the muscle, not the nipple), my left nipple is puffy now. I don't know if I'm being paranoid or not, b/c I've never really paid that much attention to the relative shapes of my nipples. But the left one is definitely puffy compared to the right one, but it doesn't seem any more sensitive.

    Should I be worried? What is the most tell-tale EARLY sign of gyno- increased sensitivity? Puffiness? A lump underneath?

    And what to do? Just up the l-dex, or throw nolvadex in there too (which I have BTW)?

    Thanks for any and all advice,


  2. #2
    50%Natural's Avatar
    50%Natural is offline Respected Member
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    Aug 2003
    It sounds like your muscle fascia was broken and it swelled up a little bit due to irritation. I would think it would go away. If you are worried about this don't site inject there anymore. I have site injected winny in my chest and it wasn't even worth it. Water based shit had my chest sore for a week. I think the muscle might be swollen due to irritation.

  3. #3
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev013
    I'm in week 9 of the following:

    dbol 1 - 4
    test en 1 - 11
    eq 1 - 10
    winny 9 - 12

    I've been running .4mg l-dex/day and have had no signs of gyno thus far. But I started winny this week, and I did a spot injection in my left pec yesterday. In addition to being sore as shit (the muscle, not the nipple), my left nipple is puffy now. I don't know if I'm being paranoid or not, b/c I've never really paid that much attention to the relative shapes of my nipples. But the left one is definitely puffy compared to the right one, but it doesn't seem any more sensitive.

    Should I be worried? What is the most tell-tale EARLY sign of gyno- increased sensitivity? Puffiness? A lump underneath?

    And what to do? Just up the l-dex, or throw nolvadex in there too (which I have BTW)?

    Thanks for any and all advice,

    50's prob right, just spot inject irritation. Give it a few days to subside. Get some nolv if you already don't have, not a good idea to run without it.

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