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Thread: A little confused about site mis-information?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Question A little confused about site mis-information?

    While doing research on first cycles, test, what to do, and what not to do, pct, etc.... - I ran across some information that has me a little confused.

    Everyone swears by using test as a base for a cycle. I've no problems with this, as I can see how the synthetic test is closer in composition to human test than a compound such as Dbol or Deca.. thereby allowing you to keep your gains better than the typical "Dbol only" cycle. (Blindly following info from a post that I just read here while searcing for info about winstrol)

    However, on the main page of AR, the link "steroid effectiveness"-
    has test products listed as a single asterisk, or "Low" rating for keeping gains. Is this page simply wrong, or did I not understand something somewhere? I thought test products in general would allow you to keep a good amount of your gains.
    According to that chart, you have a better chance of retaining gains from dbol than from enan, prop, cyp, etc.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by lozinit
    While doing research on first cycles, test, what to do, and what not to do, pct, etc.... - I ran across some information that has me a little confused.

    Everyone swears by using test as a base for a cycle. I've no problems with this, as I can see how the synthetic test is closer in composition to human test than a compound such as Dbol or Deca.. thereby allowing you to keep your gains better than the typical "Dbol only" cycle. (Blindly following info from a post that I just read here while searcing for info about winstrol)

    However, on the main page of AR, the link "steroid effectiveness"-
    has test products listed as a single asterisk, or "Low" rating for keeping gains. Is this page simply wrong, or did I not understand something somewhere? I thought test products in general would allow you to keep a good amount of your gains.
    According to that chart, you have a better chance of retaining gains from dbol than from enan, prop, cyp, etc.
    I think the keep gains should be 3 stars for testosterone. The problem is the big gains keepers have the worst side effect of all, they kill the sex drive while enhanced sex drive is testosterone's most enjoyed side effect. Most people stack testosterone with a non-testosterone to get the best of both worlds is how it usually works. Also gains made and kept are better generally with a stack of testosterone and non-testosterone. I dont think the chart takes into consideration stacking effects.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    sounds like you are on the right track bro. The homepage still has some dated info(like some of that info on the chart) Keep on researching and reading, youll begin to get an understanding on who to trust, who is credible, who has experience, etc. And never be afraid to ask ?s.
    Good luck bro

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york
    Therare alot of variables that come into play with keeping gains from any AAS.

    One of the reasons test is rated so low is because a decent % of the gains are water weight but you need to understand that it all equals out in the end.

    This example is just for arguments sake not actual #'s.

    EX. Say you gain 20lbs on a test cycle and loose 8 lbs due to water and natural loss you're still left w/ 12 quality lbs.
    Now say you gain 12lbs on an EQ cycle and loose 2 you're left with 10 lbs
    So in the end you still make out with the test.


  5. #5
    I would also suggest the test as a base for any cycle, as mentioned above, expect some water gain and also a full time woody! Yippie!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    sounds like you are on the right track bro. The homepage still has some dated info(like some of that info on the chart) Keep on researching and reading, youll begin to get an understanding on who to trust, who is credible, who has experience, etc. And never be afraid to ask ?s.
    Good luck bro

    Great post VETTE!!!!!

    Hang out on the board, and research. After awhile, it all starts coming to you

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Great post VETTE!!!!!

    Hang out on the board, and research. After awhile, it all starts coming to you
    Yup Yup Thnaks blt!

    Once you learn the board etiqutte, the lingo, the who's who, it all falls into place!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    You are on the right track with your research. You will find opinions vary but generally all will agree that test is the best overall steroid. It will help maintain your libido with other substances as well as give00 you decent gains.

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