While doing research on first cycles, test, what to do, and what not to do, pct, etc.... - I ran across some information that has me a little confused.
Everyone swears by using test as a base for a cycle. I've no problems with this, as I can see how the synthetic test is closer in composition to human test than a compound such as Dbol or Deca.. thereby allowing you to keep your gains better than the typical "Dbol only" cycle. (Blindly following info from a post that I just read here while searcing for info about winstrol)
However, on the main page of AR, the link "steroid effectiveness"-
has test products listed as a single asterisk, or "Low" rating for keeping gains. Is this page simply wrong, or did I not understand something somewhere? I thought test products in general would allow you to keep a good amount of your gains.
According to that chart, you have a better chance of retaining gains from dbol than from enan, prop, cyp, etc.