Hey everyone,
My question is if i am running a cycle with equipose and deca do i need clomid? I know that they both are very low with there androgenic properties but I'm not sure if with them both combined if i should post cycle clomid? what about HCG?
My stats are 20 years old, 5' 9", 190 lbs. This will be a second cycle the first was straight deca, which helped me put on a good amount of muscle. However the nuts got smaller and dont seem to be getting any bigger any more. They are not back to normal. Would running a longer post cycle of clomid help to stimulate them back to normal.
Secondly What would be a good cycle for a novice. I have Boldenone 200 (2- 10mls) and nandrolone 300 (10ml) Any help would be great thanks guys.