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Thread: Super Cutting Cycle?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Question Super Cutting Cycle?!

    my bro is considering a cutting cycle, so i told him if he had any questions to ask me and i will post them here and get responses. so here i am. he wants to cut for about 12-14 weeks. here is what he told me he has to work with. he has 10ml of 500mg test e, 20ml of tren (75mg)/prop (100mg) mixture, 50 winny 50mg tabs, 200 tabs of dnp, some clen (dont know how much), and some t3. if you guys dont mind could you help me arrange some kind of cycle for him. he is 5'11" 205lbs. and about 17% bf. he has had one previous cycle of sust250 on which he gained about 33lbs and kept 26lbs of it. any and all help is much appreciated. oh yeah, and he wanted to know if it was ok to use dnp while on a cycle? i wasnt sure...i told him he would probably feel like shit and not wanna work out, but i told him i would ask here to make sure.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    How old is he.

    He also doesn't have enough gear to run a cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    hes 24. what do you think he needs? more test e, tren/prop, or what?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    He needs more test at least another 10ml vial....... depending on how he's going to run the fina he needs another 20ml's........... He has enough winny for 50mg ED for 6 weeks..... The prop he can use to kick start his cycle at 100mg EOD for the first 4 weeks he can also use the prop to end his cycle and run him up to PCT.... that's up to him and what he wants to spend.
    I know nothing about DNP so I can't help you there.............. The clen he needs enough to start out at 40mcg and work his way up to 120mcg's for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off for 8 weeks. The T3 if this is his first time I would run it for 3 weeks and it has to be ran during his cycle. T3 will eat muscle and the AS will help to stop that.

    Here's a link on T3

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I am not suggesting your friend do this but this is what I would do if I had those compounds and with my cycle experience. (never used tren before, why I'd start low)
    prop 1-10 100mg eod
    tren 3-10 75mg eod
    winny5-10 50mg ed
    If I had all those compounds I would do that. But like mudman said, he doesn't have enough stuff. Now the amounts of what I would run would differ from him also because I don't think he needs all these compounds. Why doesn't he just get some prop and run that by itself. He could run prop and eca/clen with a clean diet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    ok, so should he drop the test e or keep it or get more? i think the reason why he wanted to use it was to pack on extra muscle in addition to the other stuff. i think his anti e is femara. so ok...what does this look like to you guys...

    1-12 test e 500mg
    1-4 test prop 100mg eod
    8-14 winny 50 mg ed
    10-14 test prop 100 eod
    1-7 tren 100 eod
    2 weeks on 2 weeks off clen (up to 120 mcg)
    1-6 t3 (ramp up and down as described cycs thread on t3)

    femara 2.5 ed (he dont want too much water retention)

    passiflora extract

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    oh yeah, and if someone could reply about using DNP while on an AS cycle, it would be most helpful. i dont think he would wanna run the tren and winny at the same time because he is in love with his hair. i have a feelin' the winny is gonna put the smack down on it though.*lol*

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Unless he has thouroughly researched dnp I would not suggest him using it. Stuff is serious.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    ive used it before with good results, ive just never really used AS with it. if you don't overdo it on the dosages and take the necessary precautions and supps, i think it is fairly safe. but its his decision, im just trying to help him be informed.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    1 - 4 Prop 100mg EOD
    1 - 12 Enan 500mg
    1 - 8 Tren 75mg ED
    9 - 14 Winny 50mg ED
    11 - 14 Prop EOD
    1 - 14 Nolva 10mg ED
    1 - 14 Liquidex .25 ED
    8 - 10 T3 (I would do the 21 days for a first time user)
    Clen he can run whenever I use it durring PCT to help with energy.

    PCT start 3 days after last Prop injection:
    Day 1 300mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva
    Day 2 - 14 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva
    Day 15 - 30 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva

    I wouldn't use Femara in the cycle for a anti-e unless he's prone to gyno. Nolvadex at 10mg ED and .25 of liquidex will do great at keeping the bloat away. Also DO NOT run femera durring PCT. I also wouldn't use dhea durring PCT. I would drop the winny but thats me.... I hate the stuff and unless his bf is low he will not see much from it JMO.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    ok so no femara? im curious so why is that? is it ok if he uses armidex instead of l-dex? is the novla necessary with the armidex? gonna drop the winny. and why no dhea? i thought it help stimulate natural test production? thx to everyone that has helped so far.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by wingsofazrael
    ok so no femara? im curious so why is that? is it ok if he uses armidex instead of l-dex? is the novla necessary with the armidex? gonna drop the winny. and why no dhea? i thought it help stimulate natural test production? thx to everyone that has helped so far.
    Femara is too strong and too expensive but if he's prone then use it if not then save his money........... armidex and liquidex are the same...................... I think nolva is necessary with the l-dex because it will help with any excess estrogen that the l-dex doesn't stop from binding to the receptor sites and it also helps with lipids..................... I have read that DHEA could suppress HPTA again this is what I have read and for what it's worth I don't think dhea will help............. also the clomid/nolva is better than clomid alone............ it will help get him back up faster because the nolva will keep estrogen from rebounding.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    thx for the advice. i think he already has femara though. he got it cheap i think, like $120.00 for a 100 of them. should he still run nolva with it? well if thats the case with the dhea, then its gone faster than my abs on bulking cycle.*lol* clomid and nolva, im guessing that will be a must. so i guess the hard part of most of this is solved, except the dnp thing. if anyone knows, chime in please. and also, he is asking how much body fat he can expect to lose on this 14 week cycle, but im not sure if anyone can really guage that. hes has a really strict and regimented diet, so if anyone thinks they can make a prediction, it is welcome. thx for all the help.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    oh yeah, and he does cardio 3*45min/week and 3*60min/week.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Well if he already has the femara he can use it now or save it for a heavier cycle. Yes he can still use the nolva with it

    DNP - there's a vet on here called bdtr if he doesn't post on here in a day or so hit him up with a PM...... he has used DNP in the past and is using it now.......... Your buddy might want to read up on it though.... I have heard it's not a pleasent experiance and there are precautions to take.

    His bf drop will be determined buy hi diet, cardio, and training. I could guess and say 3 points maybe if everything is on key.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I think if his diet is on he should drop more than that. I went from 16.8-12.9 in 6 wks after a cycle, no as

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