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  1. #1
    Football_Bill's Avatar
    Football_Bill is offline Associate Member
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    Question Some opinions please on first cycle.

    I posted not to long ago and got a great first cycle put together from two of the suggested cycles. But, it was also suggested that maybe I wait, since I have only been trainig hard for 3 monthes now. I am 24, 6'3", 285 lbs. I have already dropped from 305 in the past three monthes, and most people say I look like I weight 250, not sure on my body fat. I am not out of shape, I have been playing hockey 2 to 3 times a week year round for three years. So, here are my two thoughts and I would like some input. Either I go with this cylce now:

    Test E- 500mg 8 weeks
    Deca D- 400mg 8 weeks
    dbol 40mg ed for the first 4 weeks
    Have nolvadex on hand for gyno.
    Clomid starts 21 days after last shot, run for 300mg day 1/ 100mg 10 days/ 50mg 10 days.

    So that looks like a good 8 week cycle. One of my goals is to loose this gut and some weight, and maybe harden up a little, my other thought from reading around here is this, show that I could continue to workout "naturally" a little longer before going for a real cycle:

    Clenbuterol for 16 days, since my workout is every other day and runs for a 8 day cyle, then Xenadrine for either 8 0r 16 days. That is one of my snags. Some people to suggest one week on nothing, others suggest going with the ECA the whole time off of the Clenbuterol. Also, how many time shoud I cycle through this? I was thinking twice for a total of 32 days on Clenbuterol and 16 to 32 days on Xenadrine, and how long after would you suggest I wait to start the real cycle above. Any help would be much appreciated. I am mentally ready to start, but want to make sure I am not jumping into the real stuff prematurely. Thanks.
    Last edited by Football_Bill; 01-04-2002 at 09:59 AM.

  2. #2
    viperlingerfelt's Avatar
    viperlingerfelt is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2001
    your stack looks great............

    clen for 16 days is loses it anabolic abilities after about 18 days.. and the thermogenic properties subside after about 6 weeks....

    i take some type of ephedrine product in various doses most of the time....either to burn fat or to boost energy for a workout....dont see a need for the space between clen and ephedrine....the space may cut down on the "gitters", but i dont mind them much......

  3. #3
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    IMO your on the right track, why sabotage natural efforts right now with AS?? Besides, that belly you got going on is only gonna go away with diet and cardio, not test & winny. 3 mos is not a strong enough base to build on and your stats say your built like a brick shithouse, so you got the genetics to get huge. Use he clen if you want and an ECA, keep trainig hard & keep your diet in check. After your at your desired weight then hit some AS and the results will be more dramatic since your bodyfat will be less.

  4. #4
    Football_Bill's Avatar
    Football_Bill is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2001

    A little more help

    Thanks Jersey, that is pretty much the answer I was expecting. I am going to wait on some more replies, but think I will go with the Clenbuterol for a little while. How long should I use it before it becomes dangerous or inafective, is two cycles ok? (8 weeks) Also, I have found some posted on websites that are not listed in the scammers lists. Is it ok to post them here to see if anyone has had a bad experiance. The one site I found has .02 mg tabs 150 for $75. Is this good. I think I only need 150 if I go 1112223334445556. Should I start at 1 again the second time around, or jump right to 6? Then I would need more. Thanks.
    Last edited by Football_Bill; 01-05-2002 at 03:30 PM.

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