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Thread: N'large 2

  1. #1
    dropteeth's Avatar
    dropteeth is offline Junior Member
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    N'large 2

    N large for calories for a cycle??? what do you guys think?

  2. #2
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I use it every day. Cheap and good shit!

  3. #3
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    I love Nlarge. The jug is a good place to store used syringes also.

  4. #4
    ColdSore's Avatar
    ColdSore is offline Banned
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    I prefer ON's "Serious Mass"...its even cheaper than N-large...tastes a helluva lot better...and 1,250 cals in every serving...great for pre and post workout

  5. #5
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    Land of milk and honey.
    Can't get enough - 3 half servings per day when I am trying to gain.

  6. #6
    dropteeth's Avatar
    dropteeth is offline Junior Member
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    what about the amount of sugars in it?

  7. #7
    DADDYDBOL's Avatar
    DADDYDBOL is offline Anabolic Member
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    Its good but Cytogainer is the shit, tastes good, low fat/sugar and has creatine. I don't think creatine does anything (if you eat enough red meat) for you but it is a selling plus. If that taste doesn't satisfy try Heavyweight Gainer 900 by Champion Nutrition - the best tasting supplement I have ever tried - drawback is 60g of sugars. Yeh I am 6'1" and all though I an ending a cycle I only weigh 211 so I am constantly trying to up my weight.

  8. #8
    wimp's Avatar
    wimp is offline Associate Member
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    I also love nlarge. i use it all the time.

  9. #9
    Eating_Machine's Avatar
    Eating_Machine is offline New Member
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    In the fridge or by the stove.
    I just buy a 44 pound bag of pure whey protien stright from the manufacturer and make my own protien shakes. Cost pennies to make a shake as opposed to dollars and alot better quality than anything I'll find on a store shelf.

  10. #10
    SonGoku's Avatar
    SonGoku is offline Associate Member
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    I love NLarge as well. Use it for post workout shake. Also used it in my shakes during the day but I mixed it with some milk protein powder from a brand I don't remeber the name of now. I just swithed to Designer protein shakes for my during the day shakes (a little less sugar).

    Would like to try pure protein to make my own powder, but I don't know any online european based stores that sell it!? If someone does, please let me know!!

  11. #11
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    Championship 900 vanilla is the best. Easy to mix. creamy and no bad after taste.
    Best tasting protein is the DESIGNER WHEY VANILLA PRELINE. That shit is good enough to eat in powder form. Tastes just like butter pecan ice cream.

    BTW. PRO RATED chocolate protien> Does that stuff make anyone feel nausious after drinking it? I use one scoop and afterwards I feel sick for about half an hour EVERY TIME. Not trying to give it a bad rap, just seeing if this happens to anyone else.

  12. #12
    Go Time's Avatar
    Go Time is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DADDYDBOL
    Its good but Cytogainer is the shit, tastes good, low fat/sugar and has creatine. I don't think creatine does anything (if you eat enough red meat) for you but it is a selling plus. If that taste doesn't satisfy try Heavyweight Gainer 900 by Champion Nutrition - the best tasting supplement I have ever tried - drawback is 60g of sugars. Yeh I am 6'1" and all though I an ending a cycle I only weigh 211 so I am constantly trying to up my weight.
    Heat destroys Creatine so unless you are eating raw red meat you don't get any of it. Also Creatine should not be taken with protein like in Cytogainer, it limits the absorption to little or none. IMO the best weightgainer is N'Large especially for post workout due to its whey protein content and maltodextrin(precursor to dextrose). However Cytogainer is good for throughout the day as it has a better complex carb profile. I usually take 2 scoops off N'large 3 times daily when bulking.

  13. #13
    DADDYDBOL's Avatar
    DADDYDBOL is offline Anabolic Member
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    So what your saying is that we don't get creatine naturally through the consumption of red meat? I do agree that any cooking/heat does destroy foods natural state but where do we get creatine when we don't supplement it? I don't know, I just know that nutritionist around the world agree that if the proper amount of red meat is eaten there is no need to supplement it. Running 700mgs of test is all the supplement I need ( ;

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    I like N large and I do not worry about the high sugar when I am trying to bulk

  15. #15
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    the problem with all weight gainers is that they are mainly simple sugar. and that just causes a large raise in insulin and not the sustained one that complex carbs gives u. although most suppliment compainies claim that their weight gainers are mostly complex carbs, this is not true. ur best bet is to buy like 20 lbs of casein/egg/soy protein and throw in 1 cup of ground oats and 1/3 cup of each soy, casein and egg protein and put in 750 ml water and u have a great shake that has low glycemic carbs, high quality protein that breaks down slow and keeps u perpetually anabolic throughout the day. dont pig out on whey unless it is in the morning or after ur workout imho, whey breaks down too fast and causes a large raise in protein synthesis for a short time. but a weight gainer after ur workout is just fine, but i think it is a waste, most BB's just use dextrose, which is DIRT cheap ! but then again, most BB's use insulin (like me) post-workout and need the dextrose so.... there are pro's and con's.

    cheers !

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