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Thread: helpa brotha out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    What does your current diet look like? What does your training routine consist of?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    How did my post get in front of his?

  3. #3

    Exclamation helpa brotha out

    sup bros, fellaz i wanna do a cycle becuz i wanna gain sum size. im 6' 195lbs, is like 13-15% i want to gain quite a bit of size (215-240 range), so wut do u guyz think is a good begginers cycle to accomplish this? and how do u guys keep ur fat levels under control wen ur cycling, cuz i dont want 2 get 2 fat. keeping the time on=time off rule in mind, would it be logical to assume that after my bulking cycle, i follow up with a cutting cycle so i can get a hard appearance and still be big, bcuz the bulking cycle is going to make me look kinda bloated n wut not. (rite now im on sum lipo6 n tryin 2 shed sum fat, is that a waste if im gonna go on a cycle?) Your input would be greatly appreciated, ttyl later bros. 'n if u guys aint 2 bzy, u mind msg me sum good bulking cycles and diets that have workd 4 u.(if its not 2 much of a hassle)

  4. #4
    Rite now i eat pretty clean, chicken breasts, turkey, vegetables & fruits, whole grain breads, lean red meats.....etc.....jus that i dont eat as much as i used 2 cuz im cuttin....trainin routine is, biceps-monday,tris-tues,back-wed,shoulders/traps-thurs,chest-friday,legs,sat....sunday off

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    WTF? this post is backwards?

  6. #6
    how did ur reply get in front of my post man....hahaha....thats sum fukt up

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    in the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettodope
    Rite now i eat pretty clean, chicken breasts, turkey, vegetables & fruits, whole grain breads, lean red meats.....etc.....jus that i dont eat as much as i used 2 cuz im cuttin....trainin routine is, biceps-monday,tris-tues,back-wed,shoulders/traps-thurs,chest-friday,legs,sat....sunday off
    Throw the idea of cutting out the window if you want to bulk up 45 lbs!!! It may take a few cycles to get there. Start off with a simple 10wk cycle of test either at 250mgs/wk or 500mgs/wk depending on how you feel your body would react to the test. Make sure you have the proper ancillieries and Clomid for PCT. I'd try and bulk up 250 if i were you and then start cutting, that way you have the extra mass and you'll look cut at around 235.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    I don't really understand what you're typing. If you fix your grammar and spelling i might be able to get the jist of it and help you out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettodope
    sup bros, fellaz i wanna do a cycle becuz i wanna gain sum size. im 6' 195lbs, is like 13-15% i want to gain quite a bit of size (215-240 range), so wut do u guyz think is a good begginers cycle to accomplish this? and how do u guys keep ur fat levels under control wen ur cycling, cuz i dont want 2 get 2 fat. keeping the time on=time off rule in mind, would it be logical to assume that after my bulking cycle, i follow up with a cutting cycle so i can get a hard appearance and still be big, bcuz the bulking cycle is going to make me look kinda bloated n wut not. (rite now im on sum lipo6 n tryin 2 shed sum fat, is that a waste if im gonna go on a cycle?) Your input would be greatly appreciated, ttyl later bros. 'n if u guys aint 2 bzy, u mind msg me sum good bulking cycles and diets that have workd 4 u.(if its not 2 much of a hassle)

    If you are interested in bulking then I would recomend test and deca, but I would also sugest alot of research before you start. 45lbs is alot of weight. I came out with 20lbs of lean muscle after a 16 week cycle and I felt lucky. A good bulking diet is 5000 calories, 400 carbs and 300-400g's of protean daily. Good luck.

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