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Thread: for those more experienced...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    for those more experienced...

    to make it quick... i need to gain a solid 8-10 pounds no need for more and definitely no less. im in college and i wrestle (in a frat league... no worries for drug testing). i've reached a plateu in my strength now for a little less than a year and im needing a little "supplementation". a friend recomended EQ (50mg every other day) for 10 weeks and clomid for PCT. how does this sound? any other recomendations?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by getBIG05
    to make it quick... i need to gain a solid 8-10 pounds no need for more and definitely no less. im in college and i wrestle (in a frat league... no worries for drug testing). i've reached a plateu in my strength now for a little less than a year and im needing a little "supplementation". a friend recomended EQ (50mg every other day) for 10 weeks and clomid for PCT. how does this sound? any other recomendations?
    throw in some test aswell....dont just run eq by it self

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    You can run test e 500mg 1-10..EQ 400mg 1-10,but I just saw your 19yrs old.I'd go natural for another 2yrs and change up your training,that could be your problem

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    You can run test e 500mg 1-10..EQ 400mg 1-10,but I just saw your 19yrs old.I'd go natural for another 2yrs and change up your training,that could be your problem
    big bump on that i missed the age when i made my reply...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    thanks for the advice but i've already done a "light" cycle deca and a little test. im 20 years old now, i need to change that. i understand your standing on the age thing though. on the test e, do you think that would put on any more the 10 pounds? i put on 10 pounds farely quick with my last 7 weeks cycle with deca and a little test 500. do yall think the test e is a good idea with the 10 pound limit? just looking for advice!

  6. #6
    each person reacts different do things ..i cant say you would or you wouldnt gain a certain number of pounds off a stack ... i might gain 14 pounds off the same thing you might gain 9 pounds from see ....hard to say for sure... but the eq by itself is a waste IMO...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by murph
    each person reacts different do things ..i cant say you would or you wouldnt gain a certain number of pounds off a stack ... i might gain 14 pounds off the same thing you might gain 9 pounds from see ....hard to say for sure... but the eq by itself is a waste IMO...
    to add to this last post of mine:....... way too many things to say anyway, training, diet, cardio, recovery,the way your body burns calories, just too many thing can make big differences in the final out come of net weight gained

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I doubt 50mg of EQ EOD will do the job...

    Eq really needs to be atleast 400mg per week
    and takes awhile to kick in... Gains will be slow
    and you should run Eq at minimum 12-15 weeks
    to get all the benefits from it...

    Looking around the fact you're only 19 and really
    shouldn't be hitting the juice yet...

    I would recommend a fina/test prop cycle...
    6 weeks should be all you need to hit your target

    fina 75mg EOD
    prop 100mg EOD

    I've known a few bros that put on 10lbs off of
    75mg EOD of fina alone

    Should be a perfect stack to gain a solid 10lbs

    As long as diet & training are all in check

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    I don't know much about it but just an idea to throw out there... How about some Anavar??? I've heard that you get really good strength gains with minimal size gains... So maybe someone could either clarify/discredit this for me...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by getBIG05
    to make it quick... i need to gain a solid 8-10 pounds no need for more and definitely no less. im in college and i wrestle (in a frat league... no worries for drug testing). i've reached a plateu in my strength now for a little less than a year and im needing a little "supplementation". a friend recomended EQ (50mg every other day) for 10 weeks and clomid for PCT. how does this sound? any other recomendations?
    Not that this isnt a web site full of cheaters because we ALL ARE, but doesnt that put you at an unfair advantage to be all roided up and the guy you are wrestling isnt? Well on second thought, maybe the other guys cheated first and you are the natural boy = weakling.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Not that this isnt a web site full of cheaters because we ALL ARE, but doesnt that put you at an unfair advantage to be all roided up and the guy you are wrestling isnt? Well on second thought, maybe the other guys cheated first and you are the natural boy = weakling.

    Is it an unfair advantage that the person I am wrestling was able to get to my size and weight narually, and I bust my ass in the gym, probobly twice as hard as him, and cant beat my poor genetics. The only way that I think it would be unfair is if we were wrestling smaller people. I know this wasnt a question for me but I wanted to let people now my feeling on the subject.

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