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Thread: Winstrol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    Hi, I have a wuestion about winstrol vs 1-ad. I know 1-ad doesent compare to roids but i am not looking for rid like gainns. I have plateud at 180 and have a little more body fat then i like. I was wondering with winstrol 50mg ed for 6 weeks if i can drop my body fat 3-5 percent and gain 8-10 pounds. But i was also wodnering if i can achieve the same type of results off of 1-ad 8 weeks at 400 mg. Thanks alot your help is appreciated. Also please dont make any new cycles for the gains i want. These are the two things i have narrowed it down to and i am just wondering which is the best candidate for the gains i want.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by scrapakilla
    Hi, I have a wuestion about winstrol vs 1-ad. I know 1-ad doesent compare to roids but i am not looking for rid like gainns. I have plateud at 180 and have a little more body fat then i like. I was wondering with winstrol 50mg ed for 6 weeks if i can drop my body fat 3-5 percent and gain 8-10 pounds. But i was also wodnering if i can achieve the same type of results off of 1-ad 8 weeks at 400 mg. Thanks alot your help is appreciated. Also please dont make any new cycles for the gains i want. These are the two things i have narrowed it down to and i am just wondering which is the best candidate for the gains i want.
    Gaining 8-10 lbs with either of those choices will be very difficult. Winstrol by itself will put very little mass and will not decrease your body fat.....and has considerable sides .....needs to be run with test....
    as far as 1-ad might give you a little mass but can also shut you down like very expensive compared to roids ....many call prohormones sides in a bottle
    if you don't wana juice i think your best bet would be to up your clean cals...up your protein intake .....eca stack .....and up your intensity in the gym

  3. #3
    Will winstrol help drop 3-5 percent bf and gain 8-10 lbs of muscle?

    Not quite.

    Winstrol will harden you up once your bf% is in the single digits. Diet and cardio will drop the bf. Not the winny. Winny could be helpful to preserve some muscle mass while dieting down but if you actually think it will build serious muscle and help you lose fat at the same will be severely dissappointed.

    I say hold off on the juice and learn how to eat and train right first. Diet and cardio is 90% of it. Steroids will not do squat for you if diet and training are not in proper order. Keep learning the game bro...availablity of steroids will always be there!


  4. #4
    good advice beat me to the punch.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by usualsuspect
    Will winstrol help drop 3-5 percent bf and gain 8-10 lbs of muscle?

    Not quite.

    Winstrol will harden you up once your bf% is in the single digits. Diet and cardio will drop the bf. Not the winny. Winny could be helpful to preserve some muscle mass while dieting down but if you actually think it will build serious muscle and help you lose fat at the same will be severely dissappointed.

    I say hold off on the juice and learn how to eat and train right first. Diet and cardio is 90% of it. Steroids will not do squat for you if diet and training are not in proper order. Keep learning the game bro...availablity of steroids will always be there!

    awsome advice bro

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    well waht can i do because i weigh 180 and have a good amount of water weight from creatine use. If i take eca i wil lsoe my size cause it wil cut the water. All i want is to stay at 180, and harden up a bit on the mass i do have. You think winstrol or 1-ad can help me with that. Also i plan on ding cardio very heavy starting a month before and throughout each cycle if i choose to do so. thanks again

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    no. diet and cardio.

    get up to 190 and then diet if your worried about getting too small

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