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Thread: Liver Values?

  1. #1
    Dirk D. is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Liver Values?

    Looking to MAYBE to a short cycle of Winny/dbol . aprox 25mg/day of each. Last time I was on fina/test/winny and my liver values were way outta wack @ the end of the 12 week cycle. My good cholesterol was only 17! Durring a normal body fcn, the lowest it should be is 35. My question is;

    If I were to go on a 5 week cycle, how long would it take to get my values back to normal? I know that when your on, your good cholesterol goes down, especially orals. I have a physical for a new job some time in January which comes with a full body physical. and I'm condisering either using this cycle of dbol/winny becuase they get out of the system within 4-5 weeks. So does anyone know how long ti will take my liver values to come back to normal by the time o0f my physical?

  2. #2
    PurePower is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    bro i would stay away from AAS

  3. #3
    brandon707 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk D.
    Looking to MAYBE to a short cycle of Winny/dbol . aprox 25mg/day of each. Last time I was on fina/test/winny and my liver values were way outta wack @ the end of the 12 week cycle. My good cholesterol was only 17! Durring a normal body fcn, the lowest it should be is 35. My question is;

    If I were to go on a 5 week cycle, how long would it take to get my values back to normal? I know that when your on, your good cholesterol goes down, especially orals. I have a physical for a new job some time in January which comes with a full body physical. and I'm condisering either using this cycle of dbol/winny becuase they get out of the system within 4-5 weeks. So does anyone know how long ti will take my liver values to come back to normal by the time o0f my physical?
    dude you need to add tes cyp or enth to that cycle plus pct yadda yadda yadda. as for the other info if your values really went out of wack and cholesterol was all wacky too i wouldnt do the cycle.

  4. #4
    the dent depot's Avatar
    the dent depot is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    17AA bad for liver.....if you get your diet/training/rest just will get results like you wouldnt believe. Dont risk the gear right now.....



  5. #5
    Dirk D. is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Thanks for the repiles! Yea, I have an awsome job opportunity so I"m not gonna risk it! I'll just save my gear for a good cycle after I get hired and if anyone asks, I'm taking that andro stuff!

    TY for the hlep!

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