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Thread: About to kick in??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    About to kick in??

    Im currently on day 14 of a Sust cycle at 500mg per week.
    So far i have gained 4 lbs but im aware it hasnt really kicked in yet so my question is..
    When is it likely to kick in properly? Im guessing sometime in the next week?
    Also other than gaining weight, will i notice its kicked in any other way?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdave91
    Im currently on day 14 of a Sust cycle at 500mg per week.
    So far i have gained 4 lbs but im aware it hasnt really kicked in yet so my question is..
    When is it likely to kick in properly? Im guessing sometime in the next week?
    Also other than gaining weight, will i notice its kicked in any other way?

    Takes about 3-4 weeks to kick in

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    in the east
    BigDave, I don't know if I am unique, but I have never had a pivotal moment when I relized that my gear had kicked in. Generrally I have found that it is gradual, each week I get a little stronger. You should start noticing some strength changes soon if everything is in check.SG1

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    i noticed strength increases 7 days ago! lol but the weight gain is only 4lbs so far but i put that down to It not having kicked in yet.
    My daily diet is as follows, tell me what you think?
    Breakfast: Oatmeal cereal and piece of fruit
    Meal 2: Tuna sandwich on wholegrain bread and Protein drink
    Meal 3: Turkey with Roast and mashed potatos, carrots, peas protein drink and fruit.
    Meal 4: Chicken fillet on wholegrain bread and protein drink and fruit.

    Does this sound about right for my on cycle eating?
    Im 161lbs
    Aged 23
    working out 4 days a week...
    Mon: Shoulders,tris
    Wed: Chest, bis
    Fri: Back abs
    Sun: either Legs or il start from Shoulders Tris again (working more upper body)


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I think you need more meals and calories.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdave91
    i noticed strength increases 7 days ago! lol but the weight gain is only 4lbs so far but i put that down to It not having kicked in yet.
    My daily diet is as follows, tell me what you think?
    Breakfast: Oatmeal cereal and piece of fruit
    Meal 2: Tuna sandwich on wholegrain bread and Protein drink
    Meal 3: Turkey with Roast and mashed potatos, carrots, peas protein drink and fruit.
    Meal 4: Chicken fillet on wholegrain bread and protein drink and fruit.

    Does this sound about right for my on cycle eating?
    Im 161lbs
    Aged 23
    working out 4 days a week...
    Mon: Shoulders,tris
    Wed: Chest, bis
    Fri: Back abs
    Sun: either Legs or il start from Shoulders Tris again (working more upper body)

    Remember to that the legs are the largest muscle group in your body so if you are neglecting to train them then you are losing out on some serious weight.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    now you mention it i have been thinking about my calories and iv just ordered some all in one weight gainer rather than just protein so it helps me get the extra cals.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    yea man you def need to eat more......i eat 6 times a day...almost every 3 hours and i have water with every meal and I carry a gallon with me when i am at the gym. your diet looks clean but you just have to eat more calories to get some good results. I am on a sust/deca cycle (listed below) and my strength gains are amazing. I just started week 5 today, Sunday.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    in the east
    Eat more.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    in the gym
    Your gains will be gradual the whole way through, but by week 5 or so you should be able to tell a significant difference.

    As for your diet, you need to eat much more if you want to pack on the lbs. Not just in shakes either. You might wanna pm some vets and other guys to get there diets so you have an idea of what to eat and how often.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdave91
    i noticed strength increases 7 days ago! lol but the weight gain is only 4lbs so far but i put that down to It not having kicked in yet.
    My daily diet is as follows, tell me what you think?
    Breakfast: Oatmeal cereal and piece of fruit
    Meal 2: Tuna sandwich on wholegrain bread and Protein drink
    Meal 3: Turkey with Roast and mashed potatos, carrots, peas protein drink and fruit.
    Meal 4: Chicken fillet on wholegrain bread and protein drink and fruit.

    Does this sound about right for my on cycle eating?
    Im 161lbs
    Aged 23
    working out 4 days a week...
    Mon: Shoulders,tris
    Wed: Chest, bis
    Fri: Back abs
    Sun: either Legs or il start from Shoulders Tris again (working more upper body)

    Add protein and weight gainer shakes, bigger portions with solid food meals. Maybe consider more beef as higher calaries and better distribution of proteins then low calarie meats like chicken and turkey. Also get some flax seed oil gel caps and maybe even fish oil caps, take one of each in morning and one of each in afternoon.
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 11-17-2003 at 09:50 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I use this to figure out my bulking cals, seems to work well when Im on. Your body weightx20 watch you body fat levels if they start to move up reduce by 10% until you get control of it.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdave91
    When is it likely to kick in properly?
    thats why alot of bros used d-bol, a-drol, or test prop to kickstart their cycles.

    next time u might want to investigate this option, i find it helps out alot, especially psycologically due to massive strength increase !

    but ur gains will come soon anyways !

    good luck !

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