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Thread: Prednisone for 2 weeks - what can I expect?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Durham, NC

    Angry Prednisone for 2 weeks - what can I expect?

    Hurt shoulders a few weeks back, went to Dr. last week and was prescribed moderate dose of Prednisone. Not sure of the exact dosage, but I'm taking them for 2 weeks.

    I've read some horror stories of those who gained a bunch of water weight and also had muscle wasting. I'm curious to see if 2 weeks on Prednisone is going to screw me up and what I might be able to do to help prevent wasting/bloating.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Prednisone is a very bad idea. Ask him for some non steroidal alternatives.

    I was put on an IV drip of 60mg for a few weeks and then spent a few months being weened off of it. Basically what you are doing is supplementing with a very catabolic hormone (it's a corticosteroid)... it causes muscle wasting, increased appetite and fat gain. I was in phenomenal shape prior to my hospitilization - and lost A LOT of gains.

    When I got back into the gym (I was fiending really bad to get back to the weights), I felt like I was back at day one - I was very shaky in my joints and weak in my lifts. One reason I started researching AAS a few months later...

    The only good thing was my joints felt awesome. No more shoulder and elbow pain that had been accumualting for awhile from improper techniques I had been using (like behind the neck mil presses). But the cons far outweighed the pros...

    BTW - I was on it for an anaphylactic reaction to something - I have a severe allergin that nealy killed me... lungs collagsed and I swelled up like I went 2 rounds with Iron Mike...

    2 weeks is not a severe as my experience - but nonetheless you are adding cortisol... when your goal as a BB is to block it as much as possible. IMO - talk to the doc about your athletic goals and ask for a nonsteroidal alternative...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Durham, NC
    Thanks, Warrior. Sounds like you were on it for quite a while!

    I checked my dosage - turns out I'm on for 10 days:

    60mg for 4 days
    40mg for 6 days

    Tomorrow will be my first day at 40mg. I'm hopeful with drinking plenty of water, sticking to my diet, avoiding excess sodium, and continued lifting, I should be able to fend off most of any potential negative side effects.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Galveston Texas
    You'll be fine.

    10 days of high dose androgens wouldnt turn you into a beast, the reverse is true with cortisol, 10 days of prednisone wont turn you into a junior high towel boy either.

    Insulin blocks 100% of cortisol's muscle wasting just eat many small meals throughout the day to keep insulin levels elevated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    great advice longhornDr!

    -and btw, the horns got lucky this weekend

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