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Thread: Testicle Problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Round Rock, Texas

    Testicle Problems

    O.K. I have taken Deca alone before. Now I know that you are supposed to stack it with test. Anyways! I have not been able to shoot out as much sperm lately. This cycle was at least 7months ago. Every once an while it seems that everything is back to normal, and then boom! It seems like it is not producing enough. The cycle I did 7months ago, I didn't do the PCT. Still 7months, you would think everything would be normal by now. Right now I'm fixing to do another cylcle, but I don't want to start until my body is ready. Oh yeah! Every once and a while I get a little symptom of blue balls. I don't understand what is going on if someone could help me, I'd really would appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Georgia @ 6'8"/290lbs
    Do you feel sluggish at times? How is your desire for sex?

    You should go see a doctor and have your levels checked! Also, don't ever put off a PCT again. Not a smart move.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Round Rock, Texas
    To tell the truth. I'm married i don't really get that much sex. Pretty Sad. If I go to the doctor they can check my levels. I didn't know that. If your levels are low what do they do? And also can you still take your gear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    Im pretty sure if the levals are low that they will give you something to get that back to normal. And dont lie to him, fess up and tell him that you did gear.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Yes, be honest with your Dr. Since you DID NOT do PCT, I wouldn't even think about doing another cycle till you check with your Dr.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    sorry about your balls man that sucks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Hollywood, California USA
    Get some blood tests done. This will give you a clearer picture.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    What you are experiencing is a normal occurance among men. The volume of semen ejaculated while either masturbating or having sex varies on a lot of different factors. I am not too sure how much you know about the anatomy of the male reproductive system, so I will explain what is going on.

    First of all sperm is produced in the testicles. After being produced it is stored in what is call the epididymus (not exact on spelling). Depending on hormone levels at the time you are arroused depends on how much semen will leave the epididymus and travel out. Also the postrate has a huge factor in how much a man ejaculates.

    When you are extremely excited the muscles contract and will shoot out your semen a great distance, but sometimes with little volume. A lot of times the only time we get a good volume ejaculated is when you have a "back up" or blue balls. This just means that you have not ejaculated in a certain amount of time and the fluids have just built up.

    There are alot of other factor that can stand in the way of volume such as age, what you eat, how much you exercise, how much you sleep, how arroused you get, etc...

    My questions to you are:
    1) Do you have any reproductive problems?
    2) Have you ever done a self-evaluation on your testicles to see if you have any cysts? If you have any epididymal cysts, that could be one problem.
    3) How old are you?

    Anwser that and get back to me....feel free to email me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I am starting to notice if I jack off my seminal fluid is really low, lower then before cycle, but if my wife helps me, gives a blowie or something I still produce more then ever. I donno I havent done too much jacking off since getting a wife, I let her take care of my sexual needs 99 out of 100 times but you know how it is, this testosterone kick in just has been giving me woodies that dont go away in the morning so I had to take up jacking off a couple times and damn, not giving too much for the hand these days... but can still fill the wife's mouth enough to make her gag.

    Quote Originally Posted by LsuTigerM03
    What you are experiencing is a normal occurance among men. The volume of semen ejaculated while either masturbating or having sex varies on a lot of different factors. I am not too sure how much you know about the anatomy of the male reproductive system, so I will explain what is going on.

    First of all sperm is produced in the testicles. After being produced it is stored in what is call the epididymus (not exact on spelling). Depending on hormone levels at the time you are arroused depends on how much semen will leave the epididymus and travel out. Also the postrate has a huge factor in how much a man ejaculates.

    When you are extremely excited the muscles contract and will shoot out your semen a great distance, but sometimes with little volume. A lot of times the only time we get a good volume ejaculated is when you have a "back up" or blue balls. This just means that you have not ejaculated in a certain amount of time and the fluids have just built up.

    There are alot of other factor that can stand in the way of volume such as age, what you eat, how much you exercise, how much you sleep, how arroused you get, etc...

    My questions to you are:
    1) Do you have any reproductive problems?
    2) Have you ever done a self-evaluation on your testicles to see if you have any cysts? If you have any epididymal cysts, that could be one problem.
    3) How old are you?

    Anwser that and get back to me....feel free to email me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Round Rock, Texas
    I went to the doctor today and he referred me to a doctor who specializes in situations like this. So until then I will keep ya'll updated.

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