Did you see the episode where the kid was taking growth hormone to grow taller? I recall a thread about a member of AR wanting to do the same thing...Foxy Sphinx or something...is it him?
Did you see the episode where the kid was taking growth hormone to grow taller? I recall a thread about a member of AR wanting to do the same thing...Foxy Sphinx or something...is it him?
Yeah, It was foxy..I missed that damn episode...What did they talk about????
I missed it too...I know somebody had to of seen it.....im trying to look on the websiteOriginally Posted by buylongterm
Let me know if anyone find the transcript or something like it for this. I would be interested to see what any doctors had to say about gh. Thanks.
I did not see it either, but i do remember that thread. BUMP
Have you checked the 60 Minutes website for any details?
Alright bros, it's on Wed night, 11-19-2003, on 60 Minutes II. Something like 8:00 eastern, CBS, but check to make sure for yourself. It's about kids who can legally take HGH to make them taller. Foxy Sphinx is probably pissing on himself right now! I'll get back to this after I see it!
Wasnt ol Foxy the guy who was scroggin' some young girl..like jail bait young?
I'm sure that thread has been deleted.
Originally Posted by BamaSlamma
That made me laugh. He was the guy taking an insane first cycle at 18yrsold 5'8 160lbs to grow taller. He is a genius, just ask him.
Thankd for the info bro, Ill be watching that, (if I get the channel. I dont have cable, lol).
I will try and Tivo it!!!
I'll be in class tonight when it airs, so I'll have to check back here and get the report. Pay attention and take notes, Foxy will be giving a quiz afterward!
I just watched it. It was basically on a boy who though was healthy, thought he was to small so his parents put him on GH. They thought his self esteem was taking a tole on his mentally well being. Since then he grew 3 inches in one year.
For me it really hit home. I too grew up and was told by my dr. that I should of been on hormones. When I entered High school I was only 4"11 and I weight 90 pounds. I used to get pulled over by the cops all the time because they didn't think I was old enough to drive. Though I was always very popular, I was picked on by older kids. (I think thats where I learned to fight) Though small, I could pretty much kick anyones ass. I'm about 5' 7 1/2 and GOD how I wish I could of taken growth hormone.
Last edited by buylongterm; 11-19-2003 at 06:26 PM.
Can you give some more details BLT?
Or anyone else who saw it?
I don't have a TV so I couldn't watch it LOL.
dude, I would have loved to have gotten on growth growing up. I don't care what you say, but it sucks being picked on for being short, you compensate in other ways. For me it was through being good and school and athletic. Now Im washed upso I continue to lift weights, im like 5'6" and 188. Even if I was 'average' height I feel as though (even though it probably wouldn't have) changed alot of things in my life, or at least made me happier growing up.
yea they give hgh to midget babies and people with dwarfism to kick em into grow mode, i hear they can pull up to 5+ inches out of the whole deal....
and the shitty part, if a normal human being wants to take growth, they have to worry about their skull deforming...lmao
later bros
I heard of a case where the skull got deformed and the guys hands and other parts of his body grew like some of his organs to. Its very exspencive to
A family friend was on growth. She was really short. She grew a little but not much. Her dad spent like 10 g's.
Well, it cost the family 20,000.00 a year. They said (they didn't give specific doses) that a low dose will yield 1.5 inches, while a larger dose will yield 3+ inches. For another guy, his insurance covered it. A Dr. can prescibe GH even if the patient is healthy. The only negative they talked about was that it might start being over prescribed in healthy people. One guy said whats the world coming too? what are parents thinking? instead of teaching our children how do deal with this, we medicate them. Humatrope by Lilly was the GH they were talking about.
The other kid was just like me. He was 4'11" as a freshman, but after growth, he grew to 5'9. And said it change his life for the better.
The good news is they said in the future, there will be drugs to help us concentrate, think faster, and make the brain do things we can only dream of!!! CAN'T wait!!!!
Last edited by buylongterm; 11-19-2003 at 08:17 PM.
i would have taken it if given the chance. I'm 5'9 and 6 ft would have been nice.
If kids can get we I think we bodybuilders who are unhappy with our bodies should have access to it as well! Its not fair bros!
Yeah, I agree. I'm sick and tired of being short sometimes. It really pisses me off. and to think My dr. actually wanted to put me on it and I refused because I was scared of needles......Damn it!
yhea man that was a while ago i remember ... they where talikg about disorders where there where giants and the bone probs ... i might be thinking of somthing dif
This episode was on tonight and they didn't mention anything like that. It was really showing the great benefits from GHOriginally Posted by big daddy k de
oh ok it must have been somthing on discovery ... my bad
IM 6'2" and I still woulda takin GH. lol Im a retard, I know.
if you know how to export your recorded tivo programs to your computer, post it up for us.Originally Posted by buylongterm
I saw the show and it really didnt go off on benefits such as fat loss, muscle gain. There was only one little slurb saying "athletes can abuse." Thats it. The rest was all about how the increased height affected the boys life and how some fams in the future may abuse such as"A 6 foot 3 forward is good but a 6 foot 6 one would be better. Lets go get some HGH." Shit like that.
For thos of you who did see the show did you see the type of "needle or syringe" I guess you couldcall it that, that he was using. It was huge (Not the needle) he like loaded a cartridge in there and clicked his way to the proper dosage. Anyanoe know what this is and could it be used for AS?
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