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Thread: how long is slin good for when refrigerated?

  1. #1

    how long is slin good for when refrigerated?

    I've used slin in the past, very successfully, too. I know and realize all the risks associated with it. I have been off of it for about 8 months but now I wish to go on it again. I have a vial of Humalog in my refrigerator, and it has been there for about a year and a half. I know when refrigerated it can last a long while, however a year and a half is a REAL long time. Do you think it's still good or should i just try ordering online again?

  2. #2


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    slin is good refrigerated for a very very very very long time. i keep mine in the fridge and its fine. it can be outside the fridge and survive for 28 days !

    i think ti will be fine, but i would go to a pharmacy and ask a pharmacist !

  4. #4
    yeah, that's what I figured. Thanks!

    I have to swing by the pharmacy to pick up some syringes so while I'm there I'll double check.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I have some vet grade slin for my diabetic cat called caninsulin and it is good for 3 years in the fridge if that helps.

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