I was able to back out of my original cycle before it was to late. I am still dead set on doing a cycle. Please help me do it in the most productive and safest way possible.
My goals are to loose extra body fat and make some nice quality gains that I can keep most of. I dont have to become huge, most important is athletic performance, keeping my gains, strength, and good looks.
I am 19 and have been weight training 2-3 days per week for a year. I am 5' 9'' and weigh 160lbs. Six months ago I had very low BF but I slacked a little and put on a little gut hiding my abs and a little BF in other areas that use to not have any.
Since I am a novice I would like to try to keep it pretty simple. I will do injectables but would like to avoid anything that I will have to take several pills to prevent side effects.
I am considering 4 weeks 50mg dbol perday, nolvadex everyother day while on dbol, 8 weeks 50mg winstrol injectable (better on liver than pills?) careful use of cytomel during the 8 weeks, and 3 weeks clomid follow up after quitting everything else. Does this sound good?
Please let me know if this is good for what I want . If it isnt what I should use please help me create a good simple cycle. I have to decide very soon.
I am really desperate for good advice. I will appreciate all that I can get.