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Thread: Sustenon 250 Injection Question.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Charlotte, NC

    Sustenon 250 Injection Question.

    Here is my cycle
    Dianabol Weeks1-4 30mg/day
    Sustenon 250 Week 1-10 750mg/week ( inject MWF)
    Winstrol Depot Week 8-13 50mg/day
    Primobolan Depot Week 6-11 4000mg/week (inject M,R)

    I started my First cycle(above) last week. Injection one 1mg of sust and have a knot in my ass for 3 days. Inject 2, other side of glute and no soreness whatsoever. Injection 3 quad, soreness goes away in 2 days. I do an injection this A.M. in glute and no soreness at all.. nothing like injection one... the soreness is getting less and less, which is a good thing I hope.

    My question is I assume that my body is getting use to the injections and the Sust 250. Is this normal. I am waiting for the Sust 250 to kick in, hopefully next week when I am at home in D.C. visiting my parents... I have to think of a way to inject without them findingout. Anyone with good ideas?

    Please let me know your thoughts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    whats your stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    When I lived at home and did it I would take it into the bathrrom wrapped in my towel to take a shower. I would take a shower then lay the towel down and inject then wrap everything back in the towel. Take the towel back in your room and either put the stuff back in your bag or whereever else you want to.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by Breetai
    whats your stats?
    185 when I started this cycle now up to 190.
    other measurements i don't have

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by mstearns76
    185 when I started this cycle now up to 190.
    other measurements i don't have
    when i shot sus, my butt was a little sore for a day or so, but it was a good feeling for me, because I knew what the outcome was going to be....but as you said you had a knot in your ass, that happend to me 1 time, i think i hit some scar tissue. I couldn't even sit down for 4 or 5 days, i mean this fucker hurt. It deff wasn't the same soreness i had from my other shots. I found it best to inject right after a warm shower, but thats just me.

    good luck bro

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyjuice
    when i shot sus, my butt was a little sore for a day or so, but it was a good feeling for me, because I knew what the outcome was going to be....but as you said you had a knot in your ass, that happend to me 1 time, i think i hit some scar tissue. I couldn't even sit down for 4 or 5 days, i mean this fucker hurt. It deff wasn't the same soreness i had from my other shots. I found it best to inject right after a warm shower, but thats just me.

    good luck bro
    I don't mind the feel of the knot either... It reminds me of my focus right now... TO GET BIG. I just want to know if it is normal for the shots to go from a knot w/ sorness to feeling nothing.. I am just wonder if this is fake sust 250. It looks like all the other real pictures posted in the other forum.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    lol...this is a tough one, i would grab my towell when like i was about to take a shower, and turn the fan on like i was laying some pipe, this gives you some time to kill, do the shot, take a shower, then wrap everything back up in my boxers and that worked for me...

    the prop in the sust is what is painful, running 750mgs a week you might get the sust flu wish is common, but is a pain in the ass when you want to train but your too sick to do that or eat...

    later bro

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by mstearns76
    I don't mind the feel of the knot either... It reminds me of my focus right now... TO GET BIG. I just want to know if it is normal for the shots to go from a knot w/ sorness to feeling nothing.. I am just wonder if this is fake sust 250. It looks like all the other real pictures posted in the other forum.

    well, mine went from a knot to then sore to then nothing, but i bet if i hit that same shot again with another injection, it would probably hurt and knot up twice as bad, ya know...... i did alot of reading when it happend to me, i think it was in my 6th or 7th week of my cycle. Up to that point all i ever got was some soreness, but a good soreness. The day after that one shot, it hurt like a mother fucker, i had my girl massage my ass to try to get it out, but it didn't work. I was getting scared because the pain lasted a week or so. After reading around i figured i hit some scare tissue.

    live and u learn i guess........

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