Here is my cycle
Dianabol Weeks1-4 30mg/day
Sustenon 250 Week 1-10 750mg/week ( inject MWF)
Winstrol Depot Week 8-13 50mg/day
Primobolan Depot Week 6-11 4000mg/week (inject M,R)
I started my First cycle(above) last week. Injection one 1mg of sust and have a knot in my ass for 3 days. Inject 2, other side of glute and no soreness whatsoever. Injection 3 quad, soreness goes away in 2 days. I do an injection this A.M. in glute and no soreness at all.. nothing like injection one... the soreness is getting less and less, which is a good thing I hope.
My question is I assume that my body is getting use to the injections and the Sust 250. Is this normal. I am waiting for the Sust 250 to kick in, hopefully next week when I am at home in D.C. visiting my parents... I have to think of a way to inject without them findingout. Anyone with good ideas?
Please let me know your thoughts.