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Thread: What gear to use for my needs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    What gear to use for my needs

    Hi, I'm a 19 almost 20 year old experienced lifter. I've been lifting hard for around 6 years now, i used to be around 310 pounds when I played ball and since I have cut down to 230 pounds and around 15% bodyfat as done by a bodyfat monitor. I have done numerous cycles of creatine and xenadrine RFA-1 products. Im just tired of the slow progress and want to get more ripped and bigger if possible. I was wondering what my ticket might be. I talked to a bodybuilder that I just started lifting with and he said that I needed to try Winstrol. He said it would rip me out. Is this all I should take or should I take something with it. I dont want to get too serious just yet, but want to gain muscle and shred fat. I also dont want too many serious side effects and am hoping not to go broke while doing this, but if thats what it takes, then so be it. Thankyou to anyone that applies to my thread.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSNOR
    Hi, I'm a 19 almost 20 year old experienced lifter. I've been lifting hard for around 6 years now, i used to be around 310 pounds when I played ball and since I have cut down to 230 pounds and around 15% bodyfat as done by a bodyfat monitor. I have done numerous cycles of creatine and xenadrine RFA-1 products. Im just tired of the slow progress and want to get more ripped and bigger if possible. I was wondering what my ticket might be. I talked to a bodybuilder that I just started lifting with and he said that I needed to try Winstrol. He said it would rip me out. Is this all I should take or should I take something with it. I dont want to get too serious just yet, but want to gain muscle and shred fat. I also dont want too many serious side effects and am hoping not to go broke while doing this, but if thats what it takes, then so be it. Thankyou to anyone that applies to my thread.

    You are just going to get flamed for this... Stay natural a couple of more years. Get your Diet/Training down and research extensively.. other words of advice dont listen to that "bobybuilder" at your gym.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    what does your current lifting routine/cardio workout look like, diet etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Currently I do all push and pull muscles on separate days. Chest monday, back tuesday, shoulders wednesday, legs thursday, bi's and tri's friday. I do cardio about 3 days a week, I switch it up alot, stairmaster, treadmill, etc. I run, jog, and incline walk when I do the treadmill. I am very good with switching up my workout routines. I do a workout for a couple of weeks trying to beat my previous weights and reps at all times, when I feel used to this I switch it up. ALso I eat at least one gram per pound of protein per day, and take glutamine now, I have cycled off creatine for a month or so but will be back on it. I really want to get rid of this gut, even though I lost around 80 pounds I still have this kind of dunlap gut, its not even solid fat, feels more like skin, but I definitely want to cut up and get stronger.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your still a little too young to start AS,
    but you'll do it anywas,
    are you still playing football? winny suck's for football
    DO MORE REASEARCH!!! don't rush into anything
    Welcom to the board

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I was going to play but decided I just dont have the time and need to work and concentrate on my grades more. Lol "i'll do it anyways" you know me already. And how come I'm too young I know guys alot younger than me that have done it and blown up like the hulk. I know its probably wise to wait, but im extremely impatient.

  7. #7
    1. AS can close your growth plates and stop your growing
    2. You have enough testosterone running through your body to do anything you want to physically.
    3. Depending on where you are in life taking AS too early can cause severe physical and emotional harm down the road.

    4. Reserach for a year or so and figure out what it is you really want. Learn the plus and negatives about each drug and what it will do for you etc... etc... etc...

    5. Everyone is extremely impatient but you have to realize that bodybuilding isn't an overnight thing...its not a one year thing. It takes yearsand years and years of hard work and dedication the likes of which most people are incapable of doing. We all want to look better right now....but AS is not a quick fix. Dont think of it as a miracle drug, think of it as a supplement...something to help you on your way.

  8. #8
    Oh yah....and i look forward to seein you on the board...welcome.

  9. #9
    Alot of guys are going to tell you that you are too young. I don't care about age, I think that no one should do a cycle without REASEARCHING for at least 1 year. That will take care of the age issue....anyone who puts that much research will KNOW when to start AS. I was eager to gear up at 19 and the more I researched the more I realized that I should wait for various reasons....didn't juice till I was almost 23.

    If you reasearch for a year and learn all you can and you still think that juicing at 20 is for you, more power to you. The only person who can stop you is you, so prepare yourself to make the best decision for you by gaining KNOWLEDGE.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    in the east
    Quote Originally Posted by someday
    1. AS can close your growth plates and stop your growing
    2. You have enough testosterone running through your body to do anything you want to physically.
    3. Depending on where you are in life taking AS too early can cause severe physical and emotional harm down the road.

    4. Reserach for a year or so and figure out what it is you really want. Learn the plus and negatives about each drug and what it will do for you etc... etc... etc...

    5. Everyone is extremely impatient but you have to realize that bodybuilding isn't an overnight thing...its not a one year thing. It takes yearsand years and years of hard work and dedication the likes of which most people are incapable of doing. We all want to look better right now....but AS is not a quick fix. Dont think of it as a miracle drug, think of it as a supplement...something to help you on your way.

    Good advice bro. First off, you need to learn about what you are doing, I mean cycling creatine?, xenadrine RFA?, bro you aren't even using the OTC's right. So what are you going to do?, take some bodybuilders word for it and just get you some winny? There are alot of dumb people that give dumb advice, as well as there are a ton of people that have "tried that and done this" and had no problems, the question is are you willing to be the one, at 19, that has problems. Man, you are young live it up. There are no safe steroids, if you fuck up with winny (which is one of the safer ones), you can end up with liver problems, joint problems, legal problems, not to mention that AS is addictive so at 19 1/2 you will be running a full cycle. IMO, run the creatine all of the time (don't load it ), do a yahoo search and get you some ephidephrine tabs and make your own ECA, which might I add is still plenty dangerous if you are looking to live on the edge. learn exactly waht you have to do to gain weight, lose weight, build muscle, etc. Come back to the sauce when you are 23 or so and you will own it. As well as you will give the newbies good advice. Good luck bro.SG1

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    right here
    I agree with latman49. Do some research and stay awhile. Read posts, do searches on what you don't understand. If you don't find the answer, then ask. After awhile, you will become more informed and be able to understand what you should take, why you should go that route, and what the effects can be.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I agree I will read more and give it some more time, but im not right at 19, its only two months till my 20th. And what about test for me? or wait on this as well?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Asshole Capitol
    The best gear for you right now is whey.

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