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  1. #1
    Jurel1 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Winny syringe question

    Hi guys, Im new to this board but not new to juice. This is my first time doing winny and I am haveing some trouble with the syringes. Im using 25g 1in needles and 75mg of winny eod. When I shoot in my dlts and tri I have a prob. When I asperate and shoot The needle gets stuck and doesn't Shoot. So A few times i havew taken the needle out, pused on the stopper real hard and shot a little in the sink, just to get the shit shooting, when i put it in my arm again it does the same shit. So one time i tried not asperating and it does the same shit WTF, r the needles defective or what. What kind should I use.

  2. #2
    KeyMastur is offline VET
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    it's not the needles. it's your winny. it's crystallizing before it can even get injected and clogging up your needle.

    2 solutions :

    1 - get a bigger guage needle
    2 - drink the winny, inject the fina.

  3. #3
    trimunex's Avatar
    trimunex is offline Senior Member
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    Jul 2002
    Like Key said, use a larger pin .. go with 23G and you'll be fine.

  4. #4
    somedude247's Avatar
    somedude247 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto Canada
    I use 22 1 " with no probs.....25 guage is too fine for winnie

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