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Thread: Problem, Don't KNow What To Do

  1. #1

    Problem, Don't KNow What To Do

    Guys, I have a problem and need some help. Last wednesday during a 20-rep Hack squat set, i got a horrible pain in my head, on the right side above the ear. It was a horrible pain. Then on Friday I lifted again, and again during a set I got the same horrible pain in the exact same place. Then last night, I was jerking off, and i got the same pain again and could barely stand up and it was worse then when lifting. This morning it is still pulsating and hurting in the same place. Any ideas on what it is or what to do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by babygetoboy
    Guys, I have a problem and need some help. Last wednesday during a 20-rep Hack squat set, i got a horrible pain in my head, on the right side above the ear. It was a horrible pain. Then on Friday I lifted again, and again during a set I got the same horrible pain in the exact same place. Then last night, I was jerking off, and i got the same pain again and could barely stand up and it was worse then when lifting. This morning it is still pulsating and hurting in the same place. Any ideas on what it is or what to do?
    go to the doctor immediately bro

  3. #3
    Should I do tomorrow's workout? I just started my first cycle after Wednesdays workout, and don't want to miss any workouts. Also, when the doc asks, I shouldn't tell him I'm on any AAS correct?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto Canada
    I would go to the doctor and tell him everything u have just said....Make SURE u tell him about AAS too...bro, u do not want to suffer any long term damage....go asap...

  5. #5
    Ok guys, thanks a lot. But now that i hvae been thinking about it, there have been a few things in common the 3 times before this has happened. All 3 times I had no water before it happened and consumed a lot of caffeine. Do you think this could just be a result of this and just cut out the caffeine and up the water?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    Go to the doctor.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by whiteykauai
    tell him everything it could be serious, also it is highly unethical for a doctor to tell anyone it goes against code, so i would definately tell him or her everything
    More & more, Doctors care less about ethic's, and more about their Butts/malpractice, but that is a very small worry compared to an aneurysm or something silimarly serious.
    Go to the Doc now, not tomorrow, now.
    We Don't want to hear you uh...."Woke up Dead"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    Yea, forget the caffeine and water issue for now. Get to your doc and tell him what's going on. Better to deal with this now, rather than "tough it out" and end up hurting yourself long-term.

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