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  1. #1
    biggen is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    where can i take this stuff

    i was cleared by a mod to ask this, anyone with info just please pm me. i have a hold of a few brovel tests, some that i know are real from pictures, others dont look real, but my friend took it and claims and appears to have made gains. i have read about somone counterfieting brovel products, but it was real stuff just not as strong as claimed to be, i was wondering if anyone in atlanta knew a place i could take it to have it tested thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    nor-cal(yay area)
    Quote Originally Posted by biggen
    i was cleared by a mod to ask this, anyone with info just please pm me. i have a hold of a few brovel tests, some that i know are real from pictures, others dont look real, but my friend took it and claims and appears to have made gains. i have read about somone counterfieting brovel products, but it was real stuff just not as strong as claimed to be, i was wondering if anyone in atlanta knew a place i could take it to have it tested thanks
    ****, props to you my friend for reading the rules as a newbie and clearing this with a mod first, i wish i could anser your question but I commend you none the less for considering all rules and guidlines with your post that i find not even to be that close to breaking the rules. thanks for being considerate of everyone here.

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