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  1. #1
    ozmax98 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2002

    bump on shoulder!!!!

    what's up fellaz,

    i was injecting my daily shots of 75mgof tren and 100mg of prop into my right shoulder(was 2cc's) and i did aspirate and no blood came out. but after i shot it into my shoulder and bump formed and it is still there on my shoulder.. the bump does not hurt or it's not sore. so what seems to be the problem??? nething i can do or i just have to wait it out..

  2. #2
    SaTyR's Avatar
    SaTyR is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozmax98
    what's up fellaz,

    i was injecting my daily shots of 75mgof tren and 100mg of prop into my right shoulder(was 2cc's) and i did aspirate and no blood came out. but after i shot it into my shoulder and bump formed and it is still there on my shoulder.. the bump does not hurt or it's not sore. so what seems to be the problem??? nething i can do or i just have to wait it out..

    Since it doesnt hurt or is sore , i think you maybe injected next to your musscle instead of in to it . The liqued is prolly still in there ....


  3. #3
    ozmax98 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2002
    yeah it does feel as it still is there.. so now what should i do???? will it subside.

  4. #4
    SaTyR's Avatar
    SaTyR is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozmax98
    yeah it does feel as it still is there.. so now what should i do???? will it subside.
    Yeah bro , i think by tommorow it will be gone . If it does not go away i think its best to see a dokter or even try to drain it yourself ....


  5. #5
    DOUGTM1SS is offline Associate Member
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    maybe just massage it in when your done and it should subside faster

  6. #6
    Sorken's Avatar
    Sorken is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozmax98
    what's up fellaz,

    i was injecting my daily shots of 75mgof tren and 100mg of prop into my right shoulder(was 2cc's) and i did aspirate and no blood came out. but after i shot it into my shoulder and bump formed and it is still there on my shoulder.. the bump does not hurt or it's not sore. so what seems to be the problem??? nething i can do or i just have to wait it out..
    I've got something like that in my ass.. and it's been there for 4month now but it's going away now.. it will be gone in a few weeks.. I think it because I inject it into fat.. i don't really know for sure but what i know is that i dissapears after a long ****ing time...

  7. #7
    ozmax98 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2002
    well i did massage it a bit as u guys told me.. it is getting smaller.... soi 'm kinda glad about that... so that day when i injected i lost that test and fina.. since it's still in my shoulder???

  8. #8
    groverman1's Avatar
    groverman1 is offline Cross Dressing Member
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    Put a warm compress on it, massage it hard and wait. Take some advil if you have any minor pain.

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