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Thread: pct after 3-4 weeks cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    pct after 3-4 weeks cycle.

    I was going to do my summer stack but I was planning to do 3 weeks to 4 weeks max of roids like test prop. the reason being not to bulk but to gain a little mucle to counteract the muscle lose with cut cycle I would get. kinda like this. week1-4 prop then 4-10 winny and clen and phentermine for summer cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    i am really confused. ok u wanna cut for summer ? or put muscle on that u lost from cutting last summer ?

    4 weeks of prop is ok but winny for 7 weeks ? after 4 weeks of prop u would need PCT. but if u do PCT during winny it wont make a diff cause i thin kwinny shuts u down. or it will keep u shut down !

    bump for anyone who understands !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I think 4 weeks of prop (really depending on dose) will be enough to cause HPTA suppression/inhibition. But the depth of inhibition will not be as severe as running it for 8-12 weeks. I also think you woud recover easier with a short cycle as well. But I would still suggest running PCT for the mere fact it will help hasten recovery. Winny like any other will shut you down as well, and IMO would not be best ran alone. I am kinda confused on your goals?? If you wanted to use something to prevent muscle catabolism, why not use a longer ester at lower doses? It really does not matter because once you reach steady state blood levels, you will be getting the same effect regardless. I think you can cut well using prop if you have proper estrogen control.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    sorry if it was confusing. what I meant was that I want to gain a little muscle before I go into total dieting and where I am bound to lose muscle. I hope this makes sense gain little more muscle that I would loose during summer cycle before the summer cycle. 10 weeks prob 75mged and nolvedex is better then 4 weeks of prob and 7 weeks of winny?
    Last edited by 2timer; 11-30-2003 at 11:56 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    extra points. I did a cycle of tren 100eodand test prob 100eod. my anger was out of control. it almost cost me my girlfriend. I am wondering is it tren or prop. does prop at decent low dosages anger you up like that? if that is the case I might just do primobolan or winny.

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