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Thread: d-bol choices

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    d-bol choices

    denkal 10mg 100 tabs for $150

    reforvit-b 25mg 100 tabs for $145

    reforvit-b 25mg 50ml for $97

    I heard the denkall were the best and the refrovit is under dosed
    what would you use?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    ridin dirty
    i just started reforvit b 25mg 50ml and i'm likin it so far........but denkall is definitely a good choice also.

  3. #3
    They are both underdosed a bit. But you are looking at a VERY simliar cost between the two. My advice would be to go with the Ref dbol at 25mg tabs and even if they are underdosed all the way down to around 18mgs/tab, you still end up with 2 times the total amount of mgs then you do going with the Denkalls. I've done both and both are decent. For the money, if you can get them I would go with Naposims Dbol 5mg tabs before anything else. Just my 2cc's. PEACE! Rock

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I can get the naposims but only from china and the others I can get domestic
    and with the trouble I'm having with my clen I'd rather go domestic

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I did the math quickly in my head and just between the two reforvits you are paying way more for the liquid if you go that route. You get twice as much from the pills and it’s not twice the amount in price. So just between those two I’d go with the tabs. That narrows your choice down to two.

    I haven’t tried either, but will probably go with reforvit-b.


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