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  1. #1
    Seaman is offline New Member
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    My cycle plan, I would like your opinion.

    I know you guys get a lot of these type of posts but I would really appreciate some feedback. This would be my fourth cycle, but by far the largest. My experience is mostly with finaplix but i've also used Dbol and various kinds of test. I am currently 6' 190, about 10% body fat. Gaining mass is not my number one concern 10-15 pounds would be nice. Mainly I'de like to fill out, more, and especially cut up. I like to say I want to get shredded.

    So here's my plan-

    week 1- cypionate 200mg, equipoise 300mg, anadrol 50mg/day
    week 2- cypionate 400mg, equipoise 300mg, anadrol 100mg/day
    week 3- cypionate 600mg, equipose 600mg, anadrol 100mg/day
    week 4- cypionate 600mg, equipose 600mg, anadrol 150mg/day
    week 5- deca 200mg, sustanon 250 mg, dbol 30mg/day
    week 6- deca 400mg, sustanon 500 mg, dbol 40mg/day
    week 7- deca 600mg, sustanon 500 mg, dbol 50mg/day
    week 8- deca 600mg, sustanon 500 mg, dbol 50mg/day
    week 9- winstrol 50mg eod, masteron 100mg eod, anavar 20mg/day
    week 10- winstrol 50mg eod, masteron 100mg eod, anavar 30mg/day
    week 11- winstrol 50mg eod, masteron 100mg eod, anavar 40mg/day
    week 12- winstrol 50mg eod, masteron 100mg eod, anavar 40mg/day
    weeks 13 & 14- typical clenbuterol and t3 dosage

    I'll finish with hcg and clomid of course. But one question I have is would it be good to take some hcg mid cycle? Also should I take proviron /nolvadex during the cycle, I don't have much experience with these two. I would take nolvadex at the end, but when might they benifit me the most.
    So does everything look all right as far as anabolic and androgenic ? I would appreciate not wasting my money, so I would like some of y'alls expertise. Thanks a lot.

  2. #2
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    lol u dont wanna gain much mass yet u are running insane dosages on anadrol

    i really dont know where to start.

    1. we need ur cycle history.

    2. dont taper man. its useless

    3. thats alot of anadrol. even at 100mg/ed i have probs with it. have u ever used drol ?

    4. i wouldnt run 12 weeks of 17-aa orals. u go from anadrol to d-bol to winny. all are 17-aa. i mean i know the toxcicity of orals is exagerrated. but give your liver a little break !
    Last edited by gundam675; 11-29-2003 at 06:25 PM.

  3. #3
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    Looks too complicated. You're trying to run long-esters as if they were short ones.

    You're not running the Deca , Cyp, Sustanon or EQ long enough to reap the benefits.

    I'd run it like this...

    Weeks 1-4 - 50mg Anadrol ED
    Weeks 1-12 - 500mg Cypionate
    Weeks 1-10 - 400mg Deca
    Weeks 1-12 - 400mg EQ
    Weeks 8-14 - 50mg Winstrol ED
    Weeks 10-14 - 40mg Anavar ED

    I would completely drop the Sustanon and Masteron , and I'd replace the Anadrol with D-Bols IF anything. I don't like D-Bols personally.

  4. #4
    groverman1's Avatar
    groverman1 is offline Cross Dressing Member
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    Bro dont taper your dosages and the anadrol is too high. IMO

  5. #5
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    And on another note, if you're looking for 10-15lbs of Quality, I'd go with shorter esters with the exception of a basic Testosterone . Also, I'd run a delayed Frontload. Saturate the blood with the AS so by the time the Testosterone kicks in, you'll be running short esters and pretty much be geared right into gains for 6 weeks.

    I'd also use the 3-4 week frontload time period to adjust my diet and get used to a steady routine. Even though the Test wouldn't have kicked in, you still notice minor changes the first few weeks.

    Here's what I would run if I were looking for your gains, considering the amount of cycles you have ran.

    Weeks 1-4 - 1g Test Cypionate
    Weeks 5-10 - 750mg Cypionate
    Weeks 5-12 - 50mg Winny ED
    Weeks 5-12 - 75mg Fina ED
    Weeks 5-12 - Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off

    You can always ignore the Frontload and just run Prop instead. You'll still gain quite a bit.

  6. #6
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gundam675
    lol u dont wanna gain much mass yet u are running insane dosages on anadrol

    i really dont know where to start.

    1. we need ur cycle history.

    2. dont taper man. its useless

    3. thats alot of anadrol. even at 100mg/ed i have probs with it. have u ever used drol ?

    4. i wouldnt run 12 weeks of 17-aa orals. u go from anadrol to d-bol to winny. all are 17-aa. i mean i know the toxcicity of orals is exagerrated. but give your liver a little break !
    I agree

  7. #7
    Seaman is offline New Member
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    Nov 2003
    thanks for the help so far. this is the first draft, so i expect it to change a lot by the time i actually do it, which may be a couple months(i really believe in adequate planning). i understand this is probably a newbie question but what exactly do you mean by "frontloading"?

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