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Thread: link to lost post! please look here!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Los Angeles

    link to lost post! please look here!

    Hello Guys (and maybe girls too)

    I had put up a similar post allready, but it didn't get answered, so I am hoping that it's OK that I have posted it again.

    I'm on 1cc of deca 300qv and 1cc of Testron C 200, every six days, till the stuff runs out. (8 more deca shots and 9 more test shots)
    Since I started the Deca one week before (about a week and a half ago), yes, I will have one cc of Testron 200 to take one shot alone on the last week!

    A couple more questions: (yes, I did look for the answers through the site, but couldn't find specifics to these questions)

    1. Since this is my first cycle, and I know that the gains could be substantial and somewhat lasting, I am very interested in getting the most out of it. Am I using enough Test? (175 lb first timer) After reading one of your helping posts, I was considering adding one more light drug to this cycle, just for the next month. or just a few months. Maybe I should just try to get more test and up my dosage to 2 shots a week? What about Trembolon? Is that one dangerous? Is it to late? Any suggestions?

    2. In which weeks does a fresh newbie see the most gains?

    (yes, I've gotten the recovery stuff taken care of now, thanks to you people's advise!)

    Thanks again. T
    Last edited by cloud9; 11-29-2003 at 09:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    1. 200 mg of test isnt much at all. up it to 400 mg. 2cc ew. i dont know what ester testron is so i cant tell u how often to inject it. tren is ok but i would just stick with what u have. takes 4 - 5 weeks for gains to kick in on test and deca. usually 4 weeks.

    if u wanna use tren do some research or get some advice from other bro's on this board. LOTS of them have used tren !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    First off, skip the tren. Not a newbie drug IMO.

    Second, I would say that 400mg/week of test would be better, but lots of bros get good gains from lower doses as well. It takes about four weeks for the deca and test to really kick in, so be patient. Week 4 or 5 you will begin seeing some results.

    Stick with what you have started. Although it's not the best, you're into it, so ride it out. Hopefully you have your anti-e's and know what to do with them now. With your lack of preparation in this area, how does your diet and training preparation stack up?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I agree with Moto, stay away from the Tren. Besides, even if this wasn't your 1st cycle, Tren & Deca together can be rough. They can shut you down hard. Stick to what you've started.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Yep forget the tren. Don't ad anything else just more of what your running. Run the test 400-500 per week and deca 300 per week. Hope you remembered clomid and anti estro.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    From the cycle info presented here Ron, I seriously doubt that aspect is even a concern. Cloud, I hope you retain what you gain because without proper pct kiss your gains goodbye.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Los Angeles
    Thank you all for replying to my post.

    50%, wrote that, "From the cycle info presented here Ron, I seriously doubt that aspect is even a concern. Cloud, I hope you retain what you gain because without proper pct kiss your gains goodbye."

    What aspect, may I ask, is not even a concern? The anti E's? I will be getting clomid and start taking it 3 weeks after I stop taking the deca, which is set up to run out one week before the test. Is that enough anti side effect preperaton, for with such a small cycle, do I still need to get some nolvadex? If I do get Novadex, should I just keep it around in case I get "itchy" nipples, and then start using it, or should I just use it?

    Also, if I up the dosage of Test to 400mg a week, does it matter if I start using a different kind of test than what i'm currently using when this **** runs out? I can also get some stuff with like four types of test of test in it. I don't remember the name, but you probubualy know what it is. How does that sound? Thanks!!!! T

    ps. Wow, you guys said that the gains start in ONE WEEK!!!! COOL! BUT DON'T YOU GUYS FEEL MORE STRENGTH AND AGGRESSION RIGHT AWAY?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    you can do it either way with nolva. I use it full cycle but I have my reasons. You could just hang on to it in case. Just remember Gyno is no joke so have nolva on hand. The clomid is a very weak anti Estro. Its main use is to help bring natural test production back to normal post cycle.

    Yes you can switch test. If you can stick with a single long ester.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by cloud9
    ps. Wow, you guys said that the gains start in ONE WEEK!!!! COOL! BUT DON'T YOU GUYS FEEL MORE STRENGTH AND AGGRESSION RIGHT AWAY?
    Who said that? You’ll get a placebo effect that should boost aggression and strength. Week 4-5, is around the time you’ll begin to feel the effects. Not sooner.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The reason I wrote that cloud was because I thought you had a poorly planned out cycle. I couldn't see anyone taking just 200 mg of test a week with deca at 300mg a week. The test alone would shut down normal test production and it won't be pretty with deca shutting it down on top of that. Up to 400, if you want to go sus 250 then you need to take at least twice a week, preferrably eod or 3 times a week. Yes, you need nolva for pct. BTW, the aggression and strength thing right up front is all in your head. Juice gives me at least a huge mental advantage when I step into the weight room even if it hasn't kicked in. Good luck.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Los Angeles
    Thanks guys!

    "Yes you can switch test. If you can stick with a single long ester."

    ?? What's a "single long ester"??

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    A single long ester would be enanthate, cypionate, isocaproate. etc. as opposed to a multi ester like sustanon or aratest. A single ester allows a much steadier release for more easily controlled blood levels.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Los Angeles
    Thanks Gents!!!!

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