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  1. #1
    Seaman is offline New Member
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    Nov 2003

    Pointless to use creatine while on clenbuterol?

    If I understand the functions of creatine and clen correctly it seems to me that using them together would not make too much sense. Tell me if I'm right, creatine puts water into your muscles and clenbuterol sucks water out. I just started my clen today and had planned on using insulin as well. I just finished a fina, dbol cycle with some insulin use. I've also read that insulin and clen may be useful at the end of a cycle, and I've always used creatine with insulin. So I'm confused and left searching for answers. Can anyone help?

  2. #2
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2003
    just use creatine. ur theory makes no sense at all. i never heard of clen sucking water out. from what i know clen binds to beta-andregenic receptors and causes lipolysis, the release of fat from adipose tissue. creatine volumizes muscle cells.

    how does volumizing muscle cells and burning fat = to..bleh

    good luck !

  3. #3
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Seaman
    If I understand the functions of creatine and clen correctly it seems to me that using them together would not make too much sense. Tell me if I'm right, creatine puts water into your muscles and clenbuterol sucks water out. I just started my clen today and had planned on using insulin as well. I just finished a fina, dbol cycle with some insulin use. I've also read that insulin and clen may be useful at the end of a cycle, and I've always used creatine with insulin. So I'm confused and left searching for answers. Can anyone help?

    Clen burns calories whether you are using creatine with it or not. Ive used clen to help me stay kind of lean during pct and I used creatine to help me keep my gains. I was very happy with the way it turned out.

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