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  1. #1
    carlo's Avatar
    carlo is offline Associate Member
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    Talking dispose the spray! start injecting!

    Hey Everyone!
    Thanks to all of the advices given to me by members of this board I finally decided to drop the fina spray since is my first cycle, I been informed that fina is not for rookies anyways.
    I wan to do this right anyways, so I got 20 tabs of D-bol(25mg each)
    28 tabs of Nolvadex (20mg each)
    Retin-A, Accutane GEL
    and the choices beetween Deca or EQ
    Please Help! Which should I choose? Do I start with the D-bol first, I know it may not be enough but I already have them so I will use them anyways, Get rid of the fina spray completely or use it at the end?
    I also got some 6OXO for later, I would apprecciate your valuable advice fellow bodybuilders!


  2. #2
    carlo's Avatar
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    Remeber before I made a comment I could not get syringes?
    Well guess what I totally forgot my sister is a medical assistant,I asked her today and she said she can get them for me and will also inject them for me
    Ain't she a good sis?
    She is the BEST!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Yeah man Fina makes you smell like **** anyway.LOL Get more D-bol to start with and do a little research and se which Injectable is right for you.

    Whatcha gonna do......

  4. #4
    Uconish is offline Member
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    MORE RESEARCH MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We dont say it to be mean its for your own good

  5. #5
    rambo's Avatar
    rambo is offline The Lord God
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    Listen to Peter.

  6. #6
    Ambulance's Avatar
    Ambulance is offline Member
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    Under your bed.
    Hey bro. The guys aren't lying, its tough love.. I went through it and every former newbie did as well.

    Let's talk though...

    You have 20 dbol pills @ 25mg each. Get ahold of another 8 pills. Run that for 4 weeks. 1 pill a day, broken up throughout the day. Get ahold of some Test Enanthate or Cyponate, and take 500mg a week...divided into 2 shots... in other words 250mg on monday and 250mg on thursday. Look below for a cycle outline.

    DBOL weeks 1-4 @ 25mg a day
    TEST Enanthate or Cyponate @ 500mg a week (1 shot of 250mg on monday and 1 shot of 250mg on thursday, rotate cheeks)
    Start PCT using Clomid 300/100/50 guidline 3 weeks after last injection.

    Use your nolvadex at signs of any gyno throughout cycle as an Anti-E. Whatever you have leftover, and that quite possibly might be all depending on how prone to gyno you are, run at 1 pill a day allong with your Clomid until it runs out.

  7. #7
    carlo's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Test on the way!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ambulance1984
    Hey bro. The guys aren't lying, its tough love.. I went through it and every former newbie did as well.

    Let's talk though...

    You have 20 dbol pills @ 25mg each. Get ahold of another 8 pills. Run that for 4 weeks. 1 pill a day, broken up throughout the day. Get ahold of some Test Enanthate or Cyponate, and take 500mg a week...divided into 2 shots... in other words 250mg on monday and 250mg on thursday. Look below for a cycle outline.

    DBOL weeks 1-4 @ 25mg a day
    TEST Enanthate or Cyponate @ 500mg a week (1 shot of 250mg on monday and 1 shot of 250mg on thursday, rotate cheeks)
    Start PCT using Clomid 300/100/50 guidline 3 weeks after last injection.

    Use your nolvadex at signs of any gyno throughout cycle as an Anti-E. Whatever you have leftover, and that quite possibly might be all depending on how prone to gyno you are, run at 1 pill a day allong with your Clomid until it runs out.
    Thanks a lot friend!
    I am going to stop everything now because I can not get a hold of some test at least until after the 15th, I already took 2 d-bol tabs, so I got 18 left, still got the nolvadex , and I can also get some clomid no problem!
    How about now? Do I keep spraying the fina, honestly man, is been 4 days spraying that ****on me(torso,upper arms)and I noticed a big difference, my strength went up, muscles are harder, I don't know bro but I think it is working at 66.5mg of fina a serving of 5 sprays.
    The thing is that I can not just order my test and get it the next day with my new source the say it takes them 7 days and is domestic thru xpress mail, or I can ask the guy that comes to my store who is a regular and has offered me roids, he says he is a nurse....
    I do not know that guy much... I don't know

    Please if you can advice on this
    Thanks a lot bro

  8. #8
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlo
    Hey Everyone!
    Thanks to all of the advices given to me by members of this board I finally decided to drop the fina spray since is my first cycle, I been informed that fina is not for rookies anyways.
    I wan to do this right anyways, so I got 20 tabs of D-bol(25mg each)
    28 tabs of Nolvadex (20mg each)
    Retin-A, Accutane GEL
    and the choices beetween Deca or EQ
    Please Help! Which should I choose? Do I start with the D-bol first, I know it may not be enough but I already have them so I will use them anyways, Get rid of the fina spray completely or use it at the end?
    I also got some 6OXO for later, I would apprecciate your valuable advice fellow bodybuilders!

    Wont need the retin-A or accutane.. throw that away, the acne is not that bad... occassionally you'll get 3 to 6 new pimples at random anywhere on body after an injection... they are very SMALL zits, not the same type you had as teenager. Most of these steroid zits never pop, never turn to scab and just go away on their own eventually.

    I would go with low dose deca (250 mg) and must be combined with a testosterone , I would suggest test cyp or test enanthate for convenience and not needing everyday shots. 6oxo, dont rely solely on this for PCT... Dbol does not replace testosterone... you still need a long lasting testosterone as a base... basically anything that is not testosterone will give you side effect of completely shutting down your sex drive and ability to get hard... along with it, because non-testosterone steroids cause your testosterone levels to decline... you counter act your ability to gain. Adding testosterone with a non-testosterone is the best way to get maximum gains and make them keepable after you go off your cycle. Dbol only gains will actually ALL come off when you run out, sometimes dbol only might make you loose more then you had before you began, let alone what the dbol gave you so you definately need to stack some steroids together.

  9. #9
    legend is offline Associate Member
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    thank god you posted that mess. hopefully now you'll do it right. wow who gave you that cycle ?? he should be flogged !! if you have to wait 7,8 even 20 days for test, isn't it worth it ?? isn't your health and a proper cycle worth 7 days of your life ? don't be in such a hurry. and while your waiting for the test to arrive, do something constructive with your time and research as much as possible. you are definately in need of more knowledge on this subject. read as much as you can for the next few days and then come back on with questions. you'll get better answers because you'll more then likely understand them.

  10. #10
    carlo's Avatar
    carlo is offline Associate Member
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    hey guys is worth it to wait !
    I learned so much from all of you guys!
    I ordered some test cyp(10ml@200mg/ml) This time I used my visa, the first time I sent a money order and it took 2 f****ng months!!! I figure if I use the card it will only take 5 to 15 business days...the source is in MX
    What do you guys think?

  11. #11
    carlo's Avatar
    carlo is offline Associate Member
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    what's up bro?
    Which is better d-bol and EQ , d-bol and dec or just d-bol and test cyp?
    or in which order? Please help!


  12. #12
    Ambulance's Avatar
    Ambulance is offline Member
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    Under your bed.
    Carlo..carefull on using the visa my man. Those leave paper trails. Always better to go into a western union and wire the money using fake info.

    I'd hold onto the fina spray, you have it so might as well use it... but go ahead and save it till your ready to cycle. I know your enjoying the results now, but they'll be so much better if u save to use with the test and dbol

    Remember man...since you got 18 dbol pills get ahold of another 10 so u have a total of 28 pills (4 weeks worth)

    Run your test at 500mg a week for 10 weeks. That means you'll want to order a total of 3 vials, you'll probably have a few cc's left over at the end but thats ok, you can save for later use

    Run the Dbol @ 1 pill a day (25mg) with milk thistle and R-Ala suppliments to help keep liver toxicity in check. Some people just run milk thistle only cause its cheap and easy to find, but see if you can find both.

    As for the fina spray, how much of it do you have bro? Whatever you have, save it and time it so that u use it the last remaining weeks of your cycle. for example if you have 5 weeks worth, you can run it weeks 5-10 to finish off your cycle. This will help you lean out somewhat since the test will bloat you a bit.

    PM Peter or me if you got any questions and please use the search engine to research while your waiting for your gear. Were here to help you bro.

    We want you to be safe and have the best cycle possible. I'm the perfect example of someone who screwed around and had a horrible first cycle. So you can save yourself the same troubles I had and just do it right the first time

    Weeks 1-10
    Test @ 500mg a week

    Weeks 1-4
    Dbol @ 25mg a day

    Fina Spray (throw this in the last remaining weeks of your cycle so that no matter how many weeks your going, you end on week 10. Example: if you have 6 weeks worth of fina spray then run it weeks 4-10

    Don't forget the clomid bro 300/100/50 3 weeks after last injection
    Last edited by Ambulance; 12-02-2003 at 04:13 AM.

  13. #13
    carlo's Avatar
    carlo is offline Associate Member
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    Ambulance 1984: THANKS BRO!!!
    I really apprecciate you taking the time and effort to break it down to me, you did good! Is clear as crystal,thanks for being patient and VERY helpful, you don't even know me, but treat me like you do do, you are a good man! Just like they say: " when someone does good to you, he/she doesn't expect nothing in return but only for you to pass it on to someone else"
    If every one in this world would think that way this will be a better world, we need more people like you.
    Ok, a cart of fina(2grams) into a 480cc solution of myristate isopropyl, everclear and water, is 4.5mg/cc of fina, so 10cc is @40.5mg of fina-48 servings once or twice? According to the site where I got this recipe is twice a day every 12 hrs. so is about 3 weeks worth of it!
    The one I had been using I traded it in with my friend for 1/2 a vial of test cyp, so I still need to order 2 more vials , 10 dbols, and I already got 28tabs(20mg each) of nolva, I am taking multi vita/mineral, radox(antioxidant),pantethine acid and I will get some milk thistle is all here remember I manage a sports nutrition store. There is a popular gym under construction that will be opening its doors next march'04, and is NEXT TO US!!!! I will be working out there a lot, and I need to be in the best shape! because I will be seing a lot of this people coming into my store a lot so I feel I must be in good shape if I want to preach about fitness, but they do not have to know what I do behind doors...that is my secret.
    Do you think I should buy from a guy that is a regular here, and the other day he mentioned he could get roids?
    He comes a lot and buys his supps. here, he says he is a nurse, he is not really big, he is young but he looks like he's got muscle hardness, he says he loves anavar mostly...It will be a lot easier to get it from that guy you know..let me ask you how most people get caught with juice, by selling them or by buying from undercovers?
    If you can please advise on this, his prices are kind of high though, $135 for a vial of test! $150 for a vial of deca (10ml)

    Thanks a lot man!

  14. #14
    carlo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter North
    i would say dbol and test. reason being is that if you go with deca and test you run the risk of gyno without knowing whether it's progesterone enduced or estrogen enduced gyno and therefore dont know how to properly treat the gyno. Test out your body with dbol and test ONLY and then the next time around throw deca in or EQ whichever you prefer. PM me if you need any help setting things up further. PN

    Thanks a lot Peter North, I really apprecciate you helping me out man!
    Would you please tell me if you have the time, if a do a dbol and test cycle what is the minimum time frame I can cycle and in what order I mean can I start with the dbol first 2 weeks and add the test of vice versa?


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