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  1. #1
    Dreamntree is offline New Member
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    Question beginner cycle/stack?

    Hey I am a beginner as in I have never use any juice,sauce etc. The extent of my intake of anything has been protein,creatine, zma etc...just not doing the job or getting me to the weight and size I would like. So I am looking for someone to help me plan out a good initial cycle and something after that. I am 26 6'1 about 155 and my goal is to be about 175. I want to be cut and not just be bigger. i do want to stop there once I get to that weight range. Is it possbiel for me to get there and be able to stay off of sauce? I have posted below what one person had mention me to go on at first. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks----weeks 1 thru 6 are just the deca and dbol and clomid is at the end.














  2. #2
    skii96's Avatar
    skii96 is offline Member
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    First off you need to get your diet in order. At your height you could easily get to 200lbs naturally. But if you're like most you're going to do it anyways. Heres what i would do...

    wks 1-12 test enan 500mg/wk

    Thats it! Start PCT 2 wks after your last shot. This, with a good diet should pack on 15lbs if not more, very easily. Eating is key though, have a meal every 2-3hrs, even if its really small....just EAT!

  3. #3
    the dent depot's Avatar
    the dent depot is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by skii96
    First off you need to get your diet in order. At your height you could easily get to 200lbs naturally. But if you're like most you're going to do it anyways. Heres what i would do...

    wks 1-12 test enan 500mg/wk

    Thats it! Start PCT 2 wks after your last shot. This, with a good diet should pack on 15lbs if not more, very easily. Eating is key though, have a meal every 2-3hrs, even if its really small....just EAT!

    I agree 100%......but add an anti-e of course! I would even consider a lower weekly dose, like 350 or so....but Test only for 12 weeks is the way to pyramiding of doses.



  4. #4
    Shud's Avatar
    Shud is offline Associate Member
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    do a bit of research will quickly find out that....
    1. test is the base of any cycle....(deca isnt a test)
    2. dbol shouldnt be run more than 3-4 weeks...

    ....and a whole lot more.......
    read for a bit and keep training natural...good luck bro

  5. #5
    Dreamntree is offline New Member
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    "Despite this we recommend that steroid novices stay away from all testosterone compounds. To make it very clear: Those who have never taken steroids do not yet need any testosterone and should wait until later when the "weaker" steroids begin to have little effect. For the more advanced, Testosterone enanthate can either be taken alone or in combination with other compounds. "

    This is what I read about test enan on the website! Do you guys still recommend me start on that. Also witha low dosage of 350 to 500 a day, would I develop acne or would that chance be pretty low? I also was wondering you guys said it would pack on, but would I stay as cut? thanks for the help.

  6. #6
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreamntree
    "Despite this we recommend that steroid novices stay away from all testosterone compounds. To make it very clear: Those who have never taken steroids do not yet need any testosterone and should wait until later when the "weaker" steroids begin to have little effect. For the more advanced, Testosterone enanthate can either be taken alone or in combination with other compounds. "

    This is what I read about test enan on the website! Do you guys still recommend me start on that. Also witha low dosage of 350 to 500 a day, would I develop acne or would that chance be pretty low? I also was wondering you guys said it would pack on, but would I stay as cut? thanks for the help.

    You will not find one bro on the board who will tell you NOT to use TEST. I saw the same thing when I was starting out and I would NEVER EVER run a cycle without it. Cut? No. The compounds you listed are for mass. I would suggest you do a mass cycle, then cut down. Trust me, once you use test, you will be in heaven.

    I never break out on Test. Everyone is different.

    Week 1-10 Test Cyp or Enan 400/500mg
    PCT - Clomid
    Nolva on hand.

  7. #7
    Shortyrock13's Avatar
    Shortyrock13 is offline Associate Member
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    right now Im starting wk 4 of the following cycle... its my first.

    wk 1-8 test E 250 300mg wk
    wk 1-8 Liquid Nolva 10mg ed
    wk 1-8 Proviron 25mg eod
    wk 1-4 dbol 30mg ed

    pct reg.

    I say go w/ low doses first and see how it goes, Im up 16 lbs, and strength is through the roof. I recommend something similar.

  8. #8
    the dent depot's Avatar
    the dent depot is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shortyrock13
    right now Im starting wk 4 of the following cycle... its my first.

    wk 1-8 test E 250 300mg wk
    wk 1-8 Liquid Nolva 10mg ed
    wk 1-8 Proviron 25mg eod
    wk 1-4 dbol 30mg ed

    pct reg.

    I say go w/ low doses first and see how it goes, Im up 16 lbs, and strength is through the roof. I recommend something similar.
    I think 8 weeks is a bad only really start getting saturated at 4-5 you only get 3 weeks of growth (active life nonwithstanding) after it kicks in?
    Go at least 10 weeks, but I feel 12 would be better. How are you calculating 300mg/wk from 250mg per cc?And whats the Proviron for if youre using Nolva?


  9. #9
    getnlarg's Avatar
    getnlarg is offline Junior Member
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    [QUOTE=Dreamntree] i do want to stop there once I get to that weight range. Is it possbiel for me to get there and be able to stay off of sauce?

    One thing I have not seen addressed is Dreamntree's quote I left here. Does anyone realistically think he can do one "true" cycle and then stop. I personally don't. If you are truly into the "iron game", walking away from AS after one cycle is not likely. I told myself I would just try one and I know many that have told themselves the same. Now its just apart of the program. ( and a great program it is)

    Dreamntree--just realize that you may find it hard to walk away from AS once you get your feet wet.

  10. #10
    Shortyrock13's Avatar
    Shortyrock13 is offline Associate Member
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    On a field of dreams
    I do .6 cc every sun/wed. I didn't have alot of the provi, and I was getting nice and fat in the face, didn't like it, so I started up the nolva. I've gone from 174-190 in just over three weeks.. im 5'6". My lifts are increasing a huge amount as well, my bench max was around 250, and I did 245 x6 today on my fourth set. I realize that 8 is kinda short, but this was a first cycle, and I wanted a taste in case I was really prone to sides. based on my personal experience, im a fan of low dose cycles.

  11. #11
    Dreamntree is offline New Member
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    ok thanks everybody for your help and input.
    When should I start the clomid and how much per day for how long?
    Also should I use any HCG ?

    Also Someone said for me to run a cut cylce as my second cycle. what should that cycle entail? and when would I start in regards to me finishing my fisrt cycle after 10 weeks.

    Also someone had posted I probably won't be able to walk away after I start, which may be true, but I was mainly just wondering if I did choose to do so, would with just reg training be able to basically keep the results I obtained from however many cycles I do?

    thanks again everyone

  12. #12
    Dreamntree is offline New Member
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    anybody on my last questions?

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