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Thread: Bulking diet

  1. #1

    Post Bulking diet

    im starting a test dbol cycle soon. can you guys give me sum advice on my diet? i read an old reply by Mudman, and he was mentioning insulin levels, eating certain foods at certain times, which in turn makes or breaks your cycle. Can you give me some information in this area ( what to eat, when to eat it, what to avoid, certain times to eat certain foods) thanks bros.

    6' 198lbs, 12-14%bf. i want to get as huge as possible off this cycle (1st cycle) but i dont want to put on too much fat.\\
    500mg test enan 30mg dbol daily\12week cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    This is what I use and it works for me. I take my lean weight in lbs multiply it by 20 this gives me my cals. I work out in the am so when I get out of bed I have tbsp of peanutbutter. End of work out I have a High cal/high carb/protien shake.THis is when you need to take in higher glycemic foods to help replace the glycogen in your muscles. THe rest of the day I eat every 2 hrs this also keeps your blood sugar even. Every meal consists of low glycemic foods, like veggis bread etc. This seems to keep the fat down ( or off the hips anyway). I also figure my protien at 2gs/lb some may say this is to much but I would rather surplus in a bulking phase then be short. This is what I use and it works for me someone else may say something different. A good resource that got me to pay attention to my diet was Franco Columbu's Body Builders Nutrition book A lot of good info, another was from Fred Hatfield Dont remember the title but a lot of good info.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    multiplying 20 by ur bodyweight is ok. but imho u should multiply it by the weight u wanna get to.

    ie. if u are 200 lbs and wanna be 230.. multiply 20 - 25 by 230. and when u calculate protein do the same thing !

    good luck !

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    gun wouldnt you put on a lot of fat? Not trying to be a wize guy just have you done that and was there a lot of fat gain.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    Just try to keep your glycemic levels as even as possible and get plenty of protein and eat as clean as possible.

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