Which oral roid works the best??? I am looking for both weight gain and strength...perferably something that keeps gains.
Which oral roid works the best??? I am looking for both weight gain and strength...perferably something that keeps gains.
Are you looking for a suggestion for an oral-only cycle? Lots of oral steroids work good, but by themselves, their benefits can be diminished greatly. It also deoends alot on your cycle experience and age. This info might help a little more. What are your end goals?
Have you had any experience with oral roids???...if so, which one did u like best??? and should u take nolvadex or clomid during or after you take the cycle.
There is a vast wealth of knowledge here......the search button helps to narrow down your search for that knowledge you need to help you get huge.
Well D-Bol and A-bombs seem to be pretty common where I live. Everyone I know wont take them in another cycle. Get some test enanthate and make some real gains.
an oral only cycle is a waste of time and money. i prefer dbol to anadrol, but not alone.
Best oral...what goal? My bro did a cutting cyle of T3-Clen/Wiiny/Var/Primo.. For the amt it cost..he could hve ahd a "real" cycle. He cut up , but money could have been spent better elsewhere.
Last edited by BamaSlamma; 12-02-2003 at 09:05 AM.
do some research bro. ur question is pure newbie. answers to this are posted a dime a dozen on the internet.
a mod here at AR has even taken the time to write a FAQ for newbies. if u looked at the top of this forum like u were supposed too u would have seen this:
read it
good luck in ur pursuit =) !
thanks gundam675 but I my research. I was wondering what other people thought from experience. See how other people reacted to it.
oral only cycles are not a very good way to go for many reasons. that's the answers you are getting back bro.
Do it right, or don't do it at all. Learn to inject or you will be wasting your time..
Best of luck
Well here maybe what you're looking for...
dbol-----great for bulking!!!!!
anavar----great for hardening up and strength
winny----sucks unless dieting for a show
halo---great strength and hardness
Those are the most commonly used ones.
agree with skii except a-bombs give a huge strength gain. my favorites are dbol.
For some reason they didnt do jack **** for me, maybe im just the exception cuz alot of my bros swear by them!Originally Posted by simplyjakked
CDM you need to get over your fear of needles. If you want to do it, you should do it the right way.
I like 50mg winny tabs for strengh. Everyone i know that has used Abombs either absolutely loves them or hates them!! (They all blew up a lot though) Anavar is decent, and one of the safest. Primo tabs are for the women only!(to expensive for men)
Then inject test at least to go with an oral. This is how you will get what you are looking for.Originally Posted by CDM
If you knew the totallity of the Pro's and Con's of Shots vs. Orals, you'd be sayin' gimme a needle!Originally Posted by Billy_Bathgate
Orals are a LOT harder on you than shots, in fact shots are down right safe when done correctly, and hey...you just might get to keep some!
But on an ealier note, I grow like Mad Man on A-Bombs, and my joints feel good, now if the gains were just happy to stay a little longer!![]()
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