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Thread: minimal dosages for an AAS virgin?

  1. #1

    minimal dosages for an AAS virgin?

    hey guys,just came on board yesterday,makes for some very interesting(and often very funny) reading.I have loads of questions,but will adress what at this time i feel is the most important(to me).Im wondering what you guys in the know think of using minimal dosages for a 1st cycle.i have the anabolic reference guide(6th issue)in front of me and is recommending 200cc'sweekly of primobolan depot,and 250cc's of sustanon a week to be quite conducive for gains in a first time user.obviously i wish to be cautious as a novice,but why then do so many of the posts recommend double these amounts,and stacking various aas together.wouldnt it be better to just use the minimum thats effective.ive been lifting for 17yrs,so am no training novice,but would like to take my physique to the next level.the frank zane asthetic is what im interested in,and im thinking that that i would be there with about 8kgs more muscle on my frame.woud that be plausible in say 8-10wks of sensible usage?thanks in advance for any advice offered.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    holla town
    its good to have u here bro.
    dont jump into gear blind folded...
    do your research..i researched for 6mths heavy..til i decided on my 1st cycle..
    u cant on what anyone says what is right for you. we are all different..find out what you want as far as results are concerned and be patient.....
    what are your goals and what are you able to get your hands on... 1st cycle was 200mg/wk of deca for 10wks.......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    500 mgs a week of ena. is the usual recomendations for first cycle. You should get good results and with propper pct keep most of your gains. Remember books lean to the safe side for the 18 year old kid who got his hannds on roids. Research first cycle in the search box and you should get all the info you need. The bro's here cover this about four times a day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I really dont like it when people recommend 500mg/wk to a first timer. I did 350mg/wk for my 1st and put on 28 freakin lbs.....way more than I planned.

    Go with 200mg/wk of Test Cypionate(exactly what I'm currently doing) or Test Enanthate for 12 weeks or so.....use an anti e...and dont forger PCT. Do a crash study course before you put anything in your body bro....keep it very simple.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    [QUOTE=the dent depot]I really dont like it when people recommend 500mg/wk to a first timer. I did 350mg/wk for my 1st and put on 28 freakin lbs.....way more than I planned.

    Go with 200mg/wk of Test Cypionate(exactly what I'm currently doing) or Test Enanthate for 12 weeks or so.....use an anti e...and dont forger PCT. Do a crash study course before you put anything in your body bro....keep it very simple.


    age and stats have a lot to do with it but to be safe(not what i did) try what dent said. I just went the other way and probably would again if I had to do it all over.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I think 200 is a little to low, 350mg per week would be minimal Imo. Do a search on beginner cycles or test and see for yourself. There is a million posts on that subject. Ddepot please dont take this as a slam its just mho

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Mental Institution


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by cpt steele
    I think 200 is a little to low, 350mg per week would be minimal Imo. Do a search on beginner cycles or test and see for yourself. There is a million posts on that subject. Ddepot please dont take this as a slam its just mho
    I dont take it as a slam at all....

    You guys are going to get sick of this quote, but:

    "One should never take more than the minimum ammount of AAS needed to grow."


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    On a field of dreams
    dent knows whats up, why would you want to go higher than necessary... you're probably not gonna gain 50 lbs on a first time 10ish wk cycle, so if 250-300 works for a good 20+ lbs of lbm, why would you want to double it? Im a wuss, and went low dose on my first one, which im in the middle of right now, and Im glad I didn't go higher, I've had great gains, and very few sides.

    I've always busted my ass in the gym and the gear just lets me do it that much harder. If you have all your **** in order, I mean really in order, I dont see how you couldn't make gains on 300-400mg of test a week.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Russian liquer plant
    I had 200mg test cyp for 12 weeks. After 14 week I had clomid for 3 weeks 50mg EOD. Got solid 20lbs. I had no anti e-s. My test level jumped up to 1200 and est level to 80

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I have never made 200 work for me. The smallest amount and the level I stick with is 500

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by the dent depot
    I really dont like it when people recommend 500mg/wk to a first timer. I did 350mg/wk for my 1st and put on 28 freakin lbs.....way more than I planned.

    Go with 200mg/wk of Test Cypionate(exactly what I'm currently doing) or Test Enanthate for 12 weeks or so.....use an anti e...and dont forger PCT. Do a crash study course before you put anything in your body bro....keep it very simple.



    I tend to agree. though I would recommend doing 350-400mg for a first cycle, I did 250mg and transformed my body on my last cycle. I did however go 16 weeks and bumped up the dosages at week 8

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    500mg/wk is what I would recommend to all. 400 min with enanthate or cyp, 350 with prop. Thats min, again recommend 500. No deca, or eq or primo. Just the test.

    I do assume your at least over 180-185lbs though for this. If your not, I probally would recommend more research in training and diet.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by the dent depot
    I dont take it as a slam at all....

    You guys are going to get sick of this quote, but:

    "One should never take more than the minimum ammount of AAS needed to grow."

    Man, if you can make good gains on that much...then, well.....I just don't like you!
    J/K Bro...more power to ya...wish I could still.

  15. #15

    minimal AAS dosages 4 a 1st timer

    firstly,thanks all for your your 33yrs,5'11,about 178lbs,14%bf(am guessing bf,i have visible abs).funny thing is tho,no one believes me when i tell em what i weigh.people assume im 10-15 lbs heavier,as im broad,but very lite boned(my wrists are just 6"diameter and my ankles 9",my waist when cut is 29"and my chest about 43".upper arms just under 16",and i remember reading somewhere once that 10"bigger than yr wrists is about as big as one could get their arms naturally(think i read it in an old ironman mag.)I have a doctor (im in sydney,oz)that can prescribe sustanon,primobolan depot or deca,not sure about other tests.he has helped a few guys i know do safe cycles,but hes no expert on usage,as he isnt into training in any shape or form.20lbs would be as much as i would want to gain,as i do cross country cycling and martial arts.Im using thev Hypertrophy specific training programme at the moment,and eat well as ive studied nutrition and am a chef,so i can graze on high protien treats all day long. i just figuired primo cause of the safety factor and the fact that i had cystic acne as a teenager,as well as developing gyno when i was about 12yrs old(turned into a little pork chop for awhile there,nearly got me a training bra!!)there is still a decent lump of fat under each nipple,so i am wary of tests as i wouldnt want to agravate it.i was considering deca initially,but have no desire for my wood to turn to straw!so does anyone think a primo only cycle of any use at all?like i said,have 17yrs training history,have slowly come around to the idea of AAs usage after much reading and deliberation,and basically want to do the least amount of harm(ie adverse sides)as possible

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Essex England
    Test enth. or cyp. at 400mgs for 10 weeks will give you good results. Forget the sustanon for now as this needs to be injected EOD for good results.
    If your really concerned about gyno take nolvadex(20mg) and proviron (50mg) everyday, this should eliminate any possibility of gyno.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    or take .5 ldex every day with no worries of gyno

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    new york
    i am on my third serious cycle and kept the cyp to 400mgs a week and still got good gains. i will never go higher than i think i need for one simple reason, waste of money!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    well it will limit the estrogen conversion anyway

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