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  1. #1
    singern's Avatar
    singern is offline Banned
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    How, where, and how much ??

    I have been working out at home for 2 plus years. I dont personaly know anyone who uses steroids . How, where, and how much $$$. Please advise. I am so ready to take the next step.

  2. #2
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    huh!!!! What are you asking for a source or what?
    if so then you havent read the rules of this board and are going to be flamed for this!!!
    If you are looking to learn how to put to gether a cycle and what does what and how many times a day to take this and stuff like that then hit up the ed. forum and start reading first. the search feature also comes in very hand for learning and searcvhing for one special point of interest

  3. #3
    nj juice's Avatar
    nj juice is offline Member
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    You are so NOT ready to take the next the rules- don't ask anyone openly for steroids as no one here who is legit anyways will hook you up, don't ask anyone to just blindly create a cycle for you, include some stats, what do you plan on doing- bulking, cutting?
    Last of all hit the search button on here and start to research steroids before you jump right into them.

  4. #4
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Research, Research, Research!!!!


  5. #5
    singern's Avatar
    singern is offline Banned
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    So much for good advise....

    Well I wasnt looking for a dealer, or your colombian freaking connection so get over your bad self. I was only hoping for some constructive advise. I have in fact gone over the information throughout the forum and found it to be of no value since I have nothing to referece the information by. And by the way I seem to notice a clear pattern of unwarented critisism toward anyone who isnt as well informed as the rest of you. Or is there a speacial thread for this as well.

    Thanks again.

  6. #6
    bigdog81's Avatar
    bigdog81 is offline Member
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    look bro...i got flamed so skin was hot for 2wks..u got to read the rules cuz...
    dont take it personal, man, if you werent asking for a source our apoligies but, it looked like you were...and for the record..dont get defensive towards anyone and lash out.....everyone helps everyone on this board. be patient and things will fall in your lap...but you got to stay cool...even when you think folk on here are dick heads...

  7. #7
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    Definitely looks like you're asking for a source. The "where and how much" part is what makes me think so. There are other reasons why you also got flamed.. I'll run through those really quickly. We don't know how old you are, what your diet and training is like, how long you've been training, what your height and weight are.. etc. We need to know a lot more about you before we can advise you on steroid use . If you came in expecting to get a response like :

    100000 mg superpromegaroids weeks 1-2000, here's my guy, it'll cost you $20,000

    or something like that, you're sorely mistaken.

  8. #8
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    Start off by reading the rules and some posts in the educational forum. That will help start you off with things.

  9. #9
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    Well I wasnt looking for a dealer, or your colombian freaking connection so get over your bad self. I was only hoping for some constructive advise. I have in fact gone over the information throughout the forum and found it to be of no value since I have nothing to referece the information by. And by the way I seem to notice a clear pattern of unwarented critisism toward anyone who isnt as well informed as the rest of you. Or is there a speacial thread for this as well.

    Thanks again.
    you need to explain yourself much better than you are rite now if you plan on getting help from the member's here. Everyone here is great but you have to lay it all out there. Like your stats, your goals, previous cycle, and training! your diet is it in order. With the question you asked it sound like a hey i want some drugs thanks have a nice day... PLus this is the time of year that they get this kind of postings alot. spring break crowd wanting to get buff to impress the ladies.. So if you are looking for help put some thought in to it and lay it all out there for us to work with

  10. #10
    48ngoin's Avatar
    48ngoin is offline Associate Member
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    Talking Newbie also

    At 48 I'm a newbie as well and getting ready for my first. It's amazing what you will learn in your first month of reading threads. Listen to the Vets, consider the side effects of your choices. Keep it simple for your first and always have your anti-e's ON HAND before starting.

    If you lay out your stats and experience as well as your planned cycle, the guys "In-the-know" will help you more than you can believe.

    Please don't rush into injecting before you're ready with your plan.

    Good luck.

  11. #11
    Mart651's Avatar
    Mart651 is offline The Redneck Queen of the Lounge
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    yall would have flamed me so bad. I guess you got the christmas spirit and trying to be kind to all creatures no matter how smart or dumb.

  12. #12
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    lol yea that is it

  13. #13
    daWhoady's Avatar
    daWhoady is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    yall would have flamed me so bad. I guess you got the christmas spirit and trying to be kind to all creatures no matter how smart or dumb.
    HAHA...the Christmas Spirit.

    I thought this was a source post. If not, then what exactly are you asking?

  14. #14
    shootdeep's Avatar
    shootdeep is offline Member
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    [QUOTE=singern]I have been working out at home for 2 plus years. I dont personaly know anyone who uses steroids . How, where, and how much $$$. Please advise. I am so ready to take the next step

    and the next step is research and a review of the board rules.

  15. #15
    tmeoe's Avatar
    tmeoe is offline Associate Member
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    Hey bro's everyone is a newbie at some point, all this guy wants to know is how to go about getting gear. Which as we all know can be a huge pain in the ass!!!

    First off decide what your goals are for your body.

    Then read up on the different AAS profiles and find the ones that will help you reach your goals the most.

    Then post a sample cycle, with all your stats and diet.

    Then its really up to you to find a source, asking a friend of a friend will most likely be your best bet, but the most expensive too. Try and keep it domestic. If you find yourself still not able to find a source then try an online site and order a small amount just incase you get scammed.

    Good luck

  16. #16
    Bigboy123's Avatar
    Bigboy123 is offline Senior Member
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    I know ur a newbie, read the edjucation forums, look through threads and do thread surchases for all the things ur lookin for...

  17. #17
    Mclaren_v12 is offline Junior Member
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    Hey man just look through the information; your on one of the most informative website on the subject. As for the how to find a source question...I don't think it is likely that anyone will answer that for you.

    Don't diss the guys/gals on the site that are open to helping one here has attitude, if it comes across that way then they are most likely kiddin' or incinuating that you asked a dumb question without calling you stupid to your face.

    Good luck.

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