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  1. #1
    chris Mortimer is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Question Taking gear for to long!!

    Hi fellow meat heads, a aquaintance of mine has been taking steroids for over 7 months non stop, made very minimal gains, mainly due to the fact that he doesn't train oe eat right, and gets wasted on ecstasy on the weekend, he also does not take proviron or any anti estrogens aswell as no HCG usage. what can this aquaintance look forward to, I have warned that you only do a max of 12 weeks, and what to take when you come of, and during the cycle, he aint a friend but I felt my duty to warn him. He has upted his dosage to 2 vials*(1ml) of sustanon on just 1 of deca (2ml). Of a weekend bout 9 pils of E and bout 2-3 grams of coke. Could someone tell me what this guy has to lookward in his future, cause I don't think its to brigh, obvioulsy I know bout the drugs independantly, what they can do, but whats thier affect together, and what will happen with no use of anti estrogens, will his testicles be unusuable. I do think its funny, cuz the guy is a idiot, who knows little bout lifting, just takes the gear cuz he thinks it the manly things to do, would aprecaite any diagnosis or coment on this idtiots situation.
    Thanks to all who reply.
    Yours Chris Mortimer

  2. #2
    someday's Avatar
    someday is offline Member
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    Jul 2003
    probably end up dieing like so many bros do when they get AS mixed up with hard drug use............

  3. #3
    monster.'s Avatar
    monster. is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    lol...personally i'd let him be stupid, so you can laugh at him when he is in the hospital...

    sorry but i have no sympathy for dipishts like that

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    nor-cal(yay area)
    hey, just show him the picture that bdtr posted on the recent "think i have gyno thread" and surely he''l grab some anti e's and maybe check himself out on both his mental and physical issues.

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