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Thread: Best AS to inject in single muscle for results

  1. #1

    Best AS to inject in single muscle for results

    Whats the best AS or (other) to injest in a single muscle to make that single muscle grow fast and better

    Winny does it too they say been injecting my shoulders for a couple of days the results aren't bad but I know there are other stuff for this that are more effectieve (I heard about Esceline or something like that but it's not made any more)

    whats the best thing at the moment

    and HOW long can I stay on EQ without any problemgs like falling dead and other nasty stuff


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    What are u trying to do? Recover a specific muscle from an injury or something?


  3. #3
    no to make a single muscle grow bigger like using esceline

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    winny is your best bet,stay away from synthol.

  5. #5
    why \??

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