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Thread: Cortisone Shots

  1. #1
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
    Animal Cracker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Cortisone Shots

    Yesterday, my Orthopedic surgeon gave me a 10cc shot of Cortisone in my left rotator cuff area. Of course due to having a large back/shoulders, he had to press quite the Lidocaine was wonderful! Anyway, this morning about 4am the pain in the area was horrible. My entire left shoulder area is 10 times as bad as it was before the shot. I had heard that sometimes it takes a couple days for all the Cortisone to dissapate...anyone have this problem?

  2. #2
    hybrid's Avatar
    hybrid is offline Member
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    I'm no help, but here's a bump to the top.

  3. #3
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    heres a bump

  4. #4
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
    Animal Cracker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thanks..anyone else?

  5. #5
    kman's Avatar
    kman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yea you are cool bro... I always get sore after cortisone shots..don't really know the exact reason why but the doctor always tell me it is normal..good luck, and feel better

  6. #6
    lozinit's Avatar
    lozinit is offline New Member
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    I know this is a 20 somthing day old post, but -
    The reason the pain worsened afterwards is due to a couple things. One, if he injected into the joint, it will hurt really bad for a time after.

    Two, (And the main reason) the cortisone sometimes tends to re-crystalize after injection, and will hurt badly until it disolves.

    I had my right shoulder pumped full of it last week and trust me, for the first 30 minutes after the shot, I felt NO pain but the following two days after that were miserable.

  7. #7
    Swellin Guest
    Lozinit is right on. I have had a few vials of cortisoen pumped into me...with the same results.

    Since this is so old, how bout an update Bama? How's the shoulder?

  8. #8
    chicamahomico's Avatar
    chicamahomico is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BamaSlamma
    Yesterday, my Orthopedic surgeon gave me a 10cc shot of Cortisone in my left rotator cuff area. Of course due to having a large back/shoulders, he had to press quite the Lidocaine was wonderful! Anyway, this morning about 4am the pain in the area was horrible. My entire left shoulder area is 10 times as bad as it was before the shot. I had heard that sometimes it takes a couple days for all the Cortisone to dissapate...anyone have this problem?
    Bama, it hurts because he ****ed up the shot. A bad shot is no big deal, it will go away in a few days (just like taggin a nerve in a quad shot). A normal cortizone shouldn't hurt really bad.....I would call it mildly tender at worst.

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