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  1. #1
    jdog55's Avatar
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    Why is 2 ten week cycles better than one

    It's widely thought that doing 2 ten week cycles are better than doing one 20 week cycle. Why is this? I've heard it but never seen it explained.


  2. #2
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    because u need to give urself some time off. when u take time off from gear it gives ur body a chance to reach homeostasis. then when u go back on gains will come again. a long 20 week cycle is ok butthe gains will come to a halt eventually. i know some bros who pull 20 weekers but they take 2 weeks off every 4 weeks to cruise and they lower their test dose to help keep HPTA regulated. when bro's run one long 20 weeker at a high dose of test, 750 mg+, its no wonder why those gains fly out the door when they come off, unless u use hcg .

    ur gonna get alot of different views. personally when i cycle i go balls to the wall in the gym and eat until i cant think. after 10 weeks i am totally dead. i mean it. thats my breaking point. after this i spend 7 - 8 weeks dieting down at the same dose of test and run hcg to help get boys back, then when i go off i use slin, kyno, clomid, nolva and i dont lose many gains.

    basically what i am saying is that if u are gonna run a long cycle (whether it is pure bulk or bulk/cut together) u need to religiously plan ur PCT. otherwise, do u know how fast ur strength on all lifts can drop ? lol !

  3. #3
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    I prefer longer cycles myself. But I kinda contradict myself in the same sense.

    I personally would rather do one 20 week cycle of a basic Testosterone over 2 ten week cycles mixing and matching up steroids . Using a Testosterone, the first 4 weeks are basically building up to when you start seeing solid gains. So in a 10 week cycle, you're really only growing and gaining LBM for 6 weeks, and then you're body slowly releases the synethic Testoserone 2 weeks past your last injection. So technically, you're really only getting 7 weeks out of a 10 week cycle, and that's including the additional 2 weeks waiting for PCT. But take into account doing a 20 week cycle? You have almost 17 weeks of solid growth and lot's of Test running through your system. In 17 weeks you can totally change your body, and isn't that what Steroids are about?

    I agree with Gundam that 20 weeks is a long ass time to religiously eat clean, diet, and stick to a workout regime. I wouldn't doubt that some people would burn out. I also agree that you'll definatelyl need HCG and that PCT is a must.

    However, I wouldn't run short esters past 6 weeks. I would run 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off, then 6 weeks back on. But that's for cutting and putting on some LBM.

    I know this must sound like a mess, but here's the simple breakdown IMO...

    Long esters (Enanthate , Deca , Cypionate , etc..) = LONG Cycles

    Short esters (Winny, Fina, Prop, etc..) = 6 weeks

  4. #4
    majorpecs's Avatar
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    I'd do 20 weeks over 2 x 10 weeks any day. Test the whole 20 for sure. Eq probably 15 or more. Anything else can get mixed in where appropriate. Then PCT once instead of 2 times.

  5. #5
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
    tryingtogetbig is offline Whiney Member
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    i agree with the bros...but, if it's your first cycle then going a shorter amount of time and finding out how your body feels coming off, etc. isn't a real bad idea before jumping in with both feet...IMO.



  6. #6
    majorpecs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    i agree with the bros...but, if it's your first cycle then going a shorter amount of time and finding out how your body feels coming off, etc. isn't a real bad idea before jumping in with both feet...IMO.


    Yeah...I wouldn't reccomend longer that 10-12 weeks for a newbie...just to gauge body reactions and to get his feet wet.

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