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  1. #1
    musulhed is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2002

    Question serious bodybuilder with a question

    i have been seriously training naturally for 5 years. and have acheived great results . a year ago my results were slim and i decided it was time to juice. i tried 2 cycles and had minimum results, it could of been a placebo for all i know. trully i was unsatifeid. i now know that i can get legit steroids from a doctor. now i want to take a cycle that will give me lean muscle mass. that will stay. i am doing my homework also but if you guys could give me suggestions it will be greatly appreciated.also it is a bad thing if i use the same syringe through out my cycle?
    Last edited by musulhed; 01-08-2002 at 06:54 PM.

  2. #2
    bex's Avatar
    bex is offline Banned
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    We need more info... stats .....

  3. #3
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    yes some stat are in order
    as far as using the same syringe,if your getting it from a docter,tell him to get you some syringes to,he probably has them by the thousands

  4. #4
    viperlingerfelt's Avatar
    viperlingerfelt is offline Associate Member
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    if you are getting the juice with an rx, there are only certain things you can get depending on the country you are in.....the medication has to be approved for medical use in the country you are in before an md will be able to prescribe it.......

    as far as the needle....would you use known dirty gear..NO....
    then why use a dirty needle, once you use it, it is no longer sterile.....

    what medications are you thinking of ????

  5. #5
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro if you are seriously doing your homework u should know not to use the same as far as u want to gain lean muscle mass that will stay,for medical use u are very limited.go with a test,and well the other is veternary so...................

  6. #6
    musulhed is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2002

    Arrow i never used a needle again

    i never reused my needles. i can see why that is not sterile. i dont see that reusing my syringe could be a bad thing. if it is i will never do it again. those wanting to know my stats i am 21 yrs old, 6"3 215 i dont know my body fat lets just say i have a little four pac right now. i understand that there are certain roids i cannot buy . that is why i want to get a list and see exactly what i cannot get my hands on. i wanted deca but the cost is a little high for me. i was thinking about some type of testosterone . mixed with something that will get me hard. i believe i can get winni

  7. #7
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    for your first cycle bro, i suggest test enanthate at 400mgs per week, eq at 400mgs per week, for 10 weeks. dbol for the first 4 weeks at 40mgs per day then discontinue it. i doubt your doc will give you all of this, but i see no point in even doing a cycle if you cant do it right and optimize your gains, especially the first time out , as this will be the best gains you are likely to ever make off of a cycle.

  8. #8
    musulhed is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2002

    thanx for info

    the deal with the doc is a friend owns a medical center. he gets his doc to prescribe what ever. judgeing by what he will give me i will get i just want to gather advice. once i find out exactly what i can get i will post it and ask for further advice. by the way i love your quote i have watched the movie over 50 time how do u do the quotes.

  9. #9
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    just post your list when you get it bro and i am sure we can put something together for you.

    man, i have seen pumping iron so many times i know it by heart! that quote is what drives me through failure during my workouts.

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