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Thread: deca dosing

  1. #1

    deca dosing

    hey guys, have a quick question about deca dosages... I'm about to start a deca/winny cycle, running the winstrol at the back-end of the cycle at 50mg ED. I've got a bottle of Ttkyyo's 300mg/ml 10ml deca, and I'm wondering which is the best way to take it. Would it be more beneficial for me to take it at 300mg/week for 10 weeks, or to take it at 400mg/week for 6 weeks, then 300mg/week for weeks 7 and 8? I just finished dieting down to 185 at 5'11, looking for some (obviously) nice lean muslce gains. Any feedback is appreciated..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well you may want try and get another bottle, if possible and run the deca @ 600mg/week for 10 weeks (your cycle should be 8-10 weeks). Run the winny from week 3 to week 6 @ 50mg EOD. Make sure you have lots of milk thistle and make sure you have clomid post cycle. Run the clomid @ 50mg/day week 13, 100mg/day week 14 and 50mg/day week 15.

  3. #3

    anybody else?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    well if this is ur first cycle then run the deca at 400mg otherwise u can bump it up 600mg, i would recommend throwing in a test as well. And go from at least 8 weeks if u want ten. Ur going to have to buy more deca. U only have 3000mg there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    run your cycle ten weeks long with the deca running between 400 mg and 600 mg with no taper and run your winny the last four weeks at 100mg eod finish off with clomid and youll be straight

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