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  1. #1
    gymcrazy24 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2003

    Winstrol Intections & bubbles

    Hi, ive just started a course of Winstrol Depot & Prima, Win EOD & Prima EOD. I dont find the winny injections painful at all as expected but i noticve there are quite a lot of tinny bubbles at the top of the syringe before injecting. Will this do me any harm? I dont seem to be able to get all the air out like you can with oil based injections.

    Secondly i am always injecting in my shoulders, is this a problem? I dont receive any pain from it so am i ok to carry on?

  2. #2
    scottninpo's Avatar
    scottninpo is offline Senior Member
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    central nj
    tiny little air bubbles are not going to kill you, just make sure you aspirate , if your doing something like winny that requires frequent injections, it's best to rotate injection sites as much as possible so as to minimize localized scar tissue, i usually rotate between shoulders, glutes, and thighs, thighs are my favorie because it's easiest to aspirate

  3. #3
    gymcrazy24 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by scottninpo
    tiny little air bubbles are not going to kill you, just make sure you aspirate, if your doing something like winny that requires frequent injections, it's best to rotate injection sites as much as possible so as to minimize localized scar tissue, i usually rotate between shoulders, glutes, and thighs, thighs are my favorie because it's easiest to aspirate
    what does aspirate mean? What will scar tissue do to effect my muscle growth?

  4. #4
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Mar 2002
    Aspirate = pulling the plunger back on the syringe once youve put the needle into the muscle. You do this to check you havent hit a vein, if you hit a vein blood will come into the syringe.

    Scar tissue will make your skin harder/thicker and make it more painfull and harder to push a needle true the skin.

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